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How To Find Your Treasure Zone: A Sure Road-map To Peace and Prosperity

Apart from a few guys across the world who make millions of dollars or any other hard currency every month; the most pressing question in the minds of most people is, "How can I find my treasure zone?" We silently desire something more than the average returns or reward. We earn for profit and we crave for prosperity. While the crave for profit or prosperity isn't the problem, it is important that we put our cravings under guidance and control, lest we enter into financial or business traps out of our desperations.


When we use the word 'zone', we usually refer to a defined space, area or place. Therefore, Treasure Zone is the defined area where a person or a people becomes highly valuable, resourceful and successful. Perhaps more than money, an average person desires to live a fulfilling life, possess the required resources for that living and then achieve all his or dreams and aspirations. While the whole world is very large, none of us do feel at home everywhere. To those who call the temperate regions of this world home, moments in the hot regions of Africa, Caribbean and Latin America would be well away from home. Same goes to people of African origins, times spent in the cold regions of Alaska, Russia, Canada or Iceland would hardly be called fun.


The point is, nobody is Mr or Mrs fit-all. We all have our designated zones, and until we locate such zones, we are hardly at home. Treasure zone is one of the critical zones of everyone, while some people die never knowing theirs, quite a number of men and women have taken the responsibility of identifying their treasure zones and staying in such. The question is, how can anyone find his or her treasure zone? Let us read a portion of the Bible for some clues:


“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:19-21


From that Scripture, it is clear that treasures are location-bound. Treasures are laid up in places, and also used up or stolen in places. The conclusion of that word says, "For where your TREASURE is, there your HEART will be also." If you flip that, wherever your heart is, there your treasure will be also. That is very fundamental! We complain about poverty, lack of achievement or lack of fulfillment in jobs, projects or career paths that we lack heart for. One thing is clear, if you lack heart for something, you will lack joy or reward doing such thing. If you therefore want to be celebrated or successful, you must from today begin to embrace your passion. The question then is, "What exactly do you have passion for? Where is your heart? Is you heart on this present job or project you're on or something else?" If you can find something you love to do – irrespective of immediate returns or reward; then, you have found something that we bring you great joy, financial reward and progress.


Make up your mind to stop whiling away your precious time on things you lack heart for, be true to your heart and you'll find bread and wine in your future endeavors. Thank you for the gift of your precious time! Feel free to share your thoughts with me here at the comment box.


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