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How God Raises His Team Anywhere Anytime Pt.2: Ageless Team Building Secrets from God

If you have not read the preceding insight on this series, please follow this link: How God Raises His Team Anywhere Anytime Pt.1


Now in the execution of God's purpose on the earth a team is usually required. This is showing us a pattern how God raise His own team on earth for the execution of His purpose. Let us put a pause on verse six of Ezekiel 37 and quickly go to examine Genesis 2:7.

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

            Now the man that became a living being was perhaps the entity that was required to get a job done on earth. Before the living being emerged, there was a formation of God. There was formation by God of dust of the ground. So, God picked certain particles on the earth and combined them, bringing them together pieces by pieces, in different components and sizes, bonding them together. Having done that, there was a body of man on the earth. That could be said to be an half job done. For the body that was formed on the earth to become a living being, there was therefore a need for a portion of God and from God Himself to be released into the formed body.

            And so if you ever take time to examine how God raised up the first team on the earth, you would see that God actually began from forming a vessel from the different components of the earth, from different materials, raising them from the times that they were not beautiful, from the times when they were so small, gathering small and small uninteresting materials, materials that others would have probably reject, bringing them together and with it forming a vessel that would become relevant in His purpose for the earth. After God did this, He did not stop there. He then released His breath into it.

            So, what God does in raising a team could be divided into two groups: one, God does the work of forming and secondly, He does the work of imparting His Spirit to them. Now if a vessel would ever emerged, it then means that that vessel must have been formed. When the vessel is formed, it also requires a Spirit, requires the breath of God to enter into it. The question you could ask yourself now is are you at the forming phase of the making of god on your life or are you at the phase in which the Spirit has been released unto you?

            The beauty of a bone is in it being formed with other component. Even though looking at the ordinary bone, there are potential beauty in it, but it is not immediately apparent to the physical eyes until it is being covered up with flesh. Now that gives us an example of what God does with people and the kind of people God uses. God uses people that other people have termed irrelevant, dry, useless or people who can never amount to anything. Now, when God finds these scattered, small and insignificant people and entities across the nations and cities, what God does is to bring them together and begins to form them, and then impart them with His Spirit.

            When the Spirit of God had fully enter them, the yesterday impression of the people concerning such persons became irrelevant. Their stories then became the stones that the builder once rejected, now becoming the head of the corner or the cornerstone. The once abandoned people now becomes the center of reference. That is exactly what God loves to do. The parts that were hitherto useless now becomes the critical components that holds others together. This what God loves to do, this is how He forms His team and this is how He formed man. God uses insignificant parts to raise entities that the whole World cannot deny.

            The team that God forms is a team that is made of insignificant people, people who on their own are little or small, but God brings them together and forms an army with them, forms an entity that cannot be stopped, an unstoppable team, a people that are great and strong, and matches without any fear or contradiction, a people who are clear about the mission of God to be accomplished by them.

            Back to the book of Ezekiel that we began with. Verse seven and eight says:

7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.

            The team of God requires the Spirit of God to function every time. The same way Adam was stagnant – no activity, no movement; until the breath came upon him, the same that these bones Ezekiel was prophesying over, the same way when the sinews came upon them, the flesh came upon the,, they were lifeless still, it is the same way when a people come together without the Spirit of God in them. The Body of Christ, the Church of God is not just a team of people, there must be the presence and the governing influence of the Holy Spirit for the Scriptures says in Romans 8:14 that as many as are led by the Spirit of the Lord, they are the sons of God. Now the church of God must have the Spirit of God, filling it at all times.

            Without the Holy Spirit, we will be lifeless. Without the Holy Spirit, the church can do nothing. I don't know what you have been burdened to do and the burdens that has been laid in your spirit, and you have been telling yourself what you wish you could do, what you require is not just the burden but the impartation of the Spirit in your life. You must receive the breath of God, it is a must.

10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.

            If we look at  verse ten above, the Scripture says and the bones lived. Another way we can put it is that the bones functioned, doing what they were created to do, fulfilling the purpose of their making and raising. It is not enough to be raised by God, the question and the most important thing is how you doing what you have been raised to do? You should not just be raised, you must function, you must live.

            From verse eleven to fourteen of that Ezekiel 37 is a word of the Lord unto someone, unto a minister of the gospel and unto a ministry. It says:

11 Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 14 I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,” says the Lord.’”

            When the Lord put His Spirit into you, you shall fulfill purpose and function just the way God has purposed it to be. it is time for the body of Christ to be restored into glory and honor. It is time for you as a Body of Christ to be restored back to your glorious place. A spiritual leader in the church once said that place is the wealthy place. It is not just about your wealthy place alone, but to your honorable and peaceful place. A place of influence, true influence and not manipulation, a place where the best of you is expressed, God is able to bring you there.

            God also said in verse fourteen that He will put His Spirit into you. This should be your utmost desire; Lord put your Spirit into me. When we say these kind of things, some of us who have been long in the body of Christ will begin to wonder like have I not been filled with the Holy Spirit? Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not something that you take pride in, it is a life that you live. You could ask yourself questions like: now that I have been filled with the Holy Spirit, what life have I been living and what kind of effect and impact am I making?

            If you are not commanding the kind of result that you should command in the Lord then you could ask yourself: What dimension of the Holy Spirit that you carry? Ask the Lord to put His Spirit within you and also fill you with Him. Also, don't despise your days of little beginning. Although your beginning may be small, you could be that insignificant or abandoned by the people of this world, do not allow yourself to boxed or intimidated by this. Do not allow your present to deny you of your future. Apostle Paul told the Corinthians whether they have not observed their callings, how God has not called the wise and noble things of this world, but chose the weak and the foolish things to confound the wise.

            This message is to help you to remember your calling, that God is not the one that chose the elites, but chooses the people, the base people that have been abandoned and rejected, without any beauty or comeliness of their own, but God forms them and gathered them together. This message is  what the Lord has laid upon my heart to share with you. It is for me as well as it is for you too. And we must remain challenged in the Spirit. God does not choose the wise, he chooses the foolish and then makes them wise, so that the wise can be brought to the place of humility. That is what God does.

            If there is no beauty in your life now, don't worry, God is forming you. But don't stop at this phase, allow God to fill you and let the Spirit fill you completely. Don't be filled with your own ambition, rather allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with His essence. I pray that the Lord to stand for Him a great army, a great team on the earth fulfilling His purpose, not waiting for anything but going all out to fulfill His purpose in our generation.

            God bless you and thanks for reading.



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