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Honorary Leadership: How To Grow Your Influence Among Your People

The word honorary means quite a few things; 

  • A university degree or rank given as an honour, without the person having to have the usual qualification.
  • A position in an organization not paid
  • Treated like a member of group without actually belonging to it

Leadership on the other hand means;

  • The capacity to influence a person, or group of persons towards an end, experience or future.
  • The capacity to rally a people towards achieving a stated goal or aim.

The word qualification means a skill or type of experience that you need for a particular job or activity.

The foundation for effective leadership is trust, which is built on the soil of acceptance. For there to be trust, a man or woman must be seen to have qualified – through experience, to play the role so assigned in an organization or group.

Honorary leadership is therefore a gift, it is not laboured for; however, the leader's effectiveness with the people is limited. To grow your leadership effectiveness, you must seek for the requisite experience that will aid your people's trust in your capacity and competence.

For more insights on this, read through these bible passages:

  • 1 Samuel 10:19-23
  • 1 Samuel 13:7-14
  • 1 Samuel 15:9-11
  • 1 Samuel 16:1-3, 11-13, 14-19



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