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Have You Also Been Called A Leader? : What Would You Do About Your Leadership Call?

Considering the prevalence of inequality and injustice across the World today; there is a latent tendency in many of us not think of ourselves as leaders. We see everyone else as leaders except ourselves. We remind ourselves of how difficult it has been for us growing up; we recount our failures and mention our rejections. The, we conclude, how on earth cam someone like us ever lead anything or anyone?

            While reading through the book of Genesis, I found out what anyone of us could do with his or her leadership call. Remember, our focus for some time now is on Leadership from Genesis (Leadership Trip to Genesis TM); therefore, we will delve straight for some lessons for our growth and effectiveness in leadership.

"Now the LORD had said to Abram: Get out of you country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

So, Abram departed as the LORD has spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

Genesis 12:1-4

            Just like Abram, we all begin life under the leadership (influence, guidance, protection and care) of our parents. We did (usually) only the things they approved; and each time we went wrong, we were punished for our correction. Though we spend such a long time under the leadership of our parents, we were never expected to remain with and under them. Usually, when we get to certain stages in life; we seek for their blessing in marriage, which often pioneers our separation from our parents. Hence, we transit from being children to being parents ourselves.

            As there is a parent in every child, there is also a leader in everyone born of woman. Each one of us was born to lead; however, as not everyone becomes a parent, not everyone becomes a leader. For you to become a leader, you must answer your own call to leadership; just as Abram answered his at age 75.

            At 75 years of age, Abram was a positional leader – as the first born; but with little or nothing to show for it. Normally, people in positional leadership are hardly men and women of influence, but power. People don't follow them or listen to them because they want to; but they have to. Therefore, positional leadership is never a place or level to be for long.


Listen to Podcast: What Would You Do About Your Leadership Call?


            At 75, Abram was with his father and did whatever the father commanded – good or bad. But then, God called him out of all that; just as He has called you or He is calling you. God called him out of:

  • His country
  • Hi Family
  • His father's house.

            One might wonder, why did God call Abram out of his father's house after He had called him out of his country and family? Among others, I believe that God wanted Abram's Leadership, not to be after the order or pattern of his father's leadership (house); but after a new order, which He promised to show him. If you must die without realizing you own leadership; then you must learn from the story of Abram. Even though he was old enough to refuse God's call for his own leadership; the Bible says in Genesis 12:4 that "So Abram departed as the LORD has spoken to him." The question is, "Are you also departing ? Or are you daily postponing your departure?" If God must make you a great entity, if God must bless you, if God must make your name great; and if you must become a blessing to others (not always expecting people to bless or support you), then you must depart.

            Separate yourself from the old, begin a process to a new experience under your own oversight. Remember, while in your father's house; your needs are met, I believe that it is time for you to meet the needs of others. My prayer is that you wouldn't be comfortable any longer in your comfort zone, and God by His Spirit would guide you to your leadership zone – your zone of responsibility, authority and influence.

            As the LORD begins to discomfort you in your idle places; as He leads you to your own businesses – feel free to get in touch with me, send questions across and the LORD would help us together as we walk with Him unto glory in Jesus' name. Amen!

God bless you.



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