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God is Not a Man: Seven Biblical Facts that Proves that God is Not a Man

God is not a man that He should tell or act a lie. Neither the Son of Man, that He should feel repentance or compulsion for what He has promised; has He said, and shall He not do it or as He spoken and shall He not make it good?”

Numbers 23:19(AMPC)


This Scripture is opening us firsthand to see that God is not a man. When the Bible says God is not a man, God is not a man. God created man; He is not man, God created nature; He is not nature, God created the earth; He is not earth, God created the heavens; He is not heaven. God is God and the Bible says God is not a man. So if you're going to look at man and try to understand God, then you are mistaken; you look at God to understand man. You can never look at man to understand God, you look at God to understand man, because He created man, man is a creation of God, just like the sun, the moon, the stars and all the galaxies.


So God is not a man. You can never stoop the understanding of God so low that you will look at a mortal man to understand an immortal God. You can't use a mortal man as a basis or a reference point to understand God, because when you look at mortal man, what you see is but a fraction of who God is; because the expression of God is in all of His creatures, and look at the creations of God, they are in billions. So, when you want to understand God, it is beyond looking at a mortal man, it's just that God has given man a place dear to His heart, that has made man to be in such a position to carry God unlike other creations of Him. But who God is, cannot be simplified to understanding just a mortal man. God is not man.


I want to show us a scripture in First Samuel chapter 15:29 and also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent, for He is not a man that He should relent.”  This is the word of God from the mouth of Prophet Samuel. God so graced Samuel and the Bible says that none of his words fall to the ground. God did not allow any of his word to fall to the ground; and he was saying here, and also the strength of Israel will not lie or relent; for He is not a man…” emphasis on “He is not a man.A man can lie, a man can relent but He is not a man that He should relent. When Samuel was communicating this, He said and the Strength; if you look at your Bible, the Strength is in not in small letter ‘s’, it is in capital letter S’. “The Strength of Israel, meaning that, that personality is bigger than Israel.


The Bible says concerning God, that the whole nations of the earth is like a drop in a bucket before Him. He said the inhabitants of the earth, they are like grasshopper before Him. That is how mmighty and big God is. So, Samuel was saying here, the Sstrength, the Glory, the Ssplendour, the Eeminence of Israel, the One that backs Israel up that makes Israel fearful, the One that makes Israel untouchable, the One that makes Israel a force to be reckoned with, He does not lie and He does not relent; that is God, He is not a man. Generations have passed, and God have been consistent through the years. And that's why He said and choose to be recall, as the God of the living and not of the dead. He said, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And He choose to be called like that, because He wants you to understand that I just did not start this God business in your generation, generations before you; I have been God, generations after you I will remain God; He does not relent.


So, what He did in generation past, He didn’t “say that one has passed with those generations; so, I'm now a new God No. I will be sharing with us; seven (7) things that goes to show that God is not a man, but before we go there, I want us to see Hebrews chapter 6:18. The Bible says: “that by two immutable things in which it is impossible, it's not just that God is not a man that He will lie; it is impossible for God to lie. He said in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, we have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.”  So, we have this consolation in the fact that it is impossible for God to lie. It is not just that God cannot lie; when impossibility comes into the equation, it means that there is no way, even if God chooses to want to lie; He cannot, it is impossible. Meaning there is no way, there is no routes through which God can lie, it is impossible.


The very first thing that proves that God is not man is that GOD CANNOT LIE. And we've seen First Samuel 15:29, Numbers chapter 23:19, Hebrews chapter 6:18, that confirms and open us up to the fact that God cannot lie. Let’s see Titus chapter 1:2 as well. The Bible says: in hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, (a personality that cannot lie) promised before time began.” He promised eternal life, and He cannot lie about it; He cannot. There's nothing He said before, there's nothing He will say again that can ever be a lie. Psalm chapter 89:35, once I have sworn by My holiness; this is God speaking, I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David.” And He said, I have sworn by My Holiness, the holiness of God is all of God. If you remove holiness from God, God will not be God again; that means He is saying that I have sworn by Myself, everything that makes Me God, all of My capacity and My ability, I will not lie; He can’t lie.


Romans chapter 3:4 says: certainly not! indeed, let God be true, but every man a liar…” let God be true, because He is always true and every man a liar. As it is written, that You may be justified in Your words, and may overcome when you are judged. Let God be true; because He is not a man, and every man, including righteous Abraham, including faithful Paul, let them be a liar but let God be true. Habakkuk chapter 2:3, remember, this is the answer of God to Habakkuk, for the vision is yet for an appointed time. But at the end, it will speak, it will not lie. Because the vision is from God, and God does not lie, the vision will speak, and it will not lie. Remember Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that He will lie, nor the son of man that He will repent, has He spoken, and will He not do it, has He said a thing and will He not do it, has He spoken, and will not make it good?”  


So, he is saying here, the vision I'm showing you, the future I'm showing you, the things I'm telling you is yet for an appointed time, so don't think I'm a liar. Because the reason believers sometimes could call God a liar is because we don't understand the appointed time. And the Bible says that the men of Issachar, they understood the times and seasons, and they knew what Israel ought to do per time. So, their brethren were at their command, they were commanding their brethren into the times and seasons appointed by God. So for you to understand that God is not a liar, you must understand appointed time. He said, the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, at the beginning, it might look to you as though God is lying; but at the end, God said, it will speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come. That's why when Jesus wants to make emphasis on something, He will say surely, surely; verily, verily” another word for verily, verily is surely, surely. God is not a man that He will lie.


When God told Sarah and Abraham, He said, a seed will come out from you; 25years they were waiting. But was it a lie? When the angel said to Sarah, according to the time of life, Sarah laughed; because they have being waiting for 25years and now you say next year, and she laughed; but was it a lie? No. God is not a man that He will lie. He said it is for yet an appointed time, but at the end, it will speak, it will not lie; though it tarries, wait for it. And that's why, if you are a believer, and you're doing the work of an evangelist and you are praying for nations; please don't be weary, because the Bible has been scripted, and it is not a lie. Every knee shall bow, they might not be bowing now; it is yet for an appointed time. Every knee shall bow and every tongue, not some, including the one that feels as if they are fanatics today, they will confess that Jesus is Lord, so we won't stop because it's not a lie, because it will surely come, it will not tarry; so wait for it. And you wait on this premise; on this foundation; God cannot lie, it is impossible for God to lie.


Number two, HE DOES NOT CHANGE; He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore; He does not change. Going back to Numbers chapter 23:19, it says; God is not a man that He would tell a lie, neither the son of man that He would repent; that He would change His mind; He is not the son of man that He will change. Let’s see Malachi chapter 3:6, For I am the Lord, I do not change. (This is the word of the Lord; He is not a man). Therefore, you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” He does not change. Hosea chapter 11:9, I will not execute the fierceness of My anger; I will not again destroy Ephraim. For I am God, and not man, The Holy One is your midst; and I will not come with terror.” He remains the same, He's not given to change.


James chapter 1:17, Every good and perfect gift is from above, and it comes down from the father of lights with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” Who is the father of lights? God. What is the meaning of variation? It means change. No variation, God does not have mood swings; He doesn’t say, the way I woke up this morning, people on the earth, you are gone. He promised Noah, He made a covenant with him; (do you think the wickedness on the earth had not increase from the time of Noah? But God made a covenant.) He said, no longer will I destroy the Earth with water, when He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He used fire and hailstone; He did not use water, He could have used water but He remembered His covenant, and it was just Sodom and Gomorrah, not the whole earth; because there is no variation with Him, He does not change, there is no variation or shadow of turning. Every good and perfect gift comes from the father of light in Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.


Number three, HE DOES NOT DO EVIL James chapter 1:13, Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted by God, for

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