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Getting Unlimited Access Through Jesus Christ:

My mistakes are mine… achievements are Christ's…..when I listen to Him, I win….When I jump out in over-confidence, I lose….My best moments are in His will, I suffer in my will…..when am broke, I have disobeyed, in obedience, I enjoy unlimited access….I don't need money to get things done or enjoy anything, with Him, I have access…Jesus is indeed my Access to all things that has to do with effective living and effective leading!

I have found out in my 15 years of learning and walking with Jesus that He is all I need. You may think you need money to buy a Range Rover 2015 model, but I can assure you that you will need Jesus to ride it safely. You may compromise in your office to get your training slot abroad, but without Jesus, you will not get there. In short, Jesus is all you need to move from where you are currently to where you desire to be. 

A portion of the Bible says, when you delight yourself in the LORD, He will make your desires to come to pass… From the moment that understanding came into my heart, I have abandoned every unnecessary pursuits or acquisitions: I have opted to know and to do everything that delights my God, for there lies my fulfillment. Do you know that if your desire is actually a latest car, but by your human calculations, you believe your salary cannot get it. If you can abandon the unending pursuits of satisfying yourself first, and you become overwhelmed with whatever God puts in your heart for your community, city and country….at a time you least expect, God will give you that particular desire and in most cases, He might exceed.

All you need is not qualification first or connection first or money first…all you need is Christ first…everything else follows Him to your doorstep.


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