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Getting Set For Greatness: The Foundational Secret of Great People

Greatness is not like a fruit that falls down upon ripeness; neither is it like a yam tuber that is dug out of the ground. Greatness is beyond the ordinary and cannot be understood from the ordinary. While everyone desires to be great on the earth; many people die, still awaiting greatness. I must again say that greatness is not moving object that comes or goes.

Every great person is a bundle of life experiences, which we could testimonies; however, the great people see them as tests. We all go through life experiences; however, some people take them as merehappenings; while some others take the experiences of life as expected happenings that are well prepared for.

To an average student of the higher institution, tests are sudden and unprepared for; but to "special" students, tests are prepared for long before they ever come. Nobody can become great suddenly – every greatness is rooted in thorough preparation in high expectation. Somebody observed some days ago, he said, "while most foreign teams (American, Brazillian, Spanish, German, Argentine, etc.) begin preparations for competitions years before the event; Nigerian teams begin real preparations weeks before. The question then is, "can anyone crash into greatness?" I believe very strongly that greatness doesn't come in a rush or hurry; it is built overtime.

From the topic of this article, "Getting Set For….", we could deduce that the most crucial phase in anyone's attainment of greatness is the phase of being set. If we could borrow a few concepts from the installers of Cable Television Networks, we would realize that satellites are technically presumed to have assumed a known position (e.g. 68.20 East or 330 West); hence, the only way to receive digital signals from such satellities is by positioning the receiving dishes to their known directions: For just as the dishes are set for the satellites; you must set (align) yourself also for greatness. As you must admit, setting the dishes for the satellites is not the only work that must be done; you must also make use of a relevant decoder to decode the signals sent by the satellite through the set dishes.

The point is, while you must set your mind, will, emotion and body early for greatness, you also require a form of decoder to decode (understand) the signals (messages, words, wisdom, nuggets, secrets, principles, laws, etc.) sent from the satellite (the Great God). Every great act is a product of great persons; hence, the surest means of becoming truly great on the earth is by aligning (setting) your total being to God and allowing His Holy Spirit to help your understanding of His great counsels and principles, which are the guides and guards for any greatness on earth. Great men and women have been on the earth; many have died, and many are living. However, none of them can sincerely say that they are surprised about their greatness.

The question is, "When a thief is finally caught and jailed; will it ever catch anyone by surprise?" Greatness is not like success that can be "gotten" overnight and leaves a night after – greatness is the person you are and the person you must become. Greatness is what you do and what you must continue to do. Greatness is how you live and how you must live. Greatness is how you think, talk and relate; how you must think, talk and relate. Indeed, greatness is your past, present and the future – it is your life. However, you must be accurately set (aligned) to experience it.

I appreciate God for this inspiration; I sincerely hope it was a blessing to you. If yes, do share it with your friends and family. 

"For thus has the Lord said to men: Go, SET a watchman,let him DECLARE what he SEES."

Isaiah 21:6


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