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Faith And Leadership: Understanding Certain Tips And Keys For Our Leadership Effectiveness

What does faith mean and why is it so important to our leadership effectiveness? I am going to start by reading Hebrews chapter 11, which we are familiar with, but I trust that the Holy Spirit will be revealing certain tips and keys of effectiveness to us from that chapter of the Bible this morning in Jesus name.


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Hebrews 11:1


6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6


Verse 1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things that are not yet seen" or the things that are not yet revealed so from that verse 1, we were given a definition of faith, what faith means. Faith is not something that everyone possesses, faith is not something that is bought in the market place, faith is tangible. That’s one thing we must take from here this morning, faith is tangible. And it’s the tangibility of your faith that makes it work.


If the substance of your faith is not located in the right place, that faith cannot work. What gives credence to faith is in its tangibility, in its substance. So, faith is the substance. The substance makes us to understand that it is not a substance, it is definite, it is the substance so faith is the substance, it’s the tangible evidence of things that are not yet revealed. Faith is a realm in which we operate in, in which tangibility is given to substance. I want to replace that word substance because we’ve used that word substance to the point that we can’t substantiate it so I want to replace it with tangible. We know it is close in meaning so faith is the tangibility of the invisible realm. The things that we have not yet seen, that our hands have not yet handled, the things that we have not yet experienced is made tangible, is made real in faith.


So, faith is the substance of the unrevealed, faith gives tangibility to things that are not yet seen and verse 6 makes us to understand that without faith.., why this is so important is that without faith, without this substance, without this realm in which you can bring unrevealed things into an experience in tangibility, you cannot please God because the Bible makes us to understand that for he who comes to God must believe that He is, that means there is a problem, there’s a latent issue about you believing that God is, the existence of God has to be revealed.


So, the existence of God is something that is unrevealed, not yet seen but for it to become tangible, for the person of God to become tangible to you, that tangibility comes in the realm of faith so faith is the substance, the tangible evidence that brings the unrevealed to reality so how do we believe that God is? God is to us comes from an unrevealed realm to faith, which reveals who God is to us. Then, we can now see the revelation of God. So the revelation of God comes via faith and the same way, everything about our lives comes via revelation. But revelation does not just come like that. Revelation comes on the platform of faith.


We are going to see some other Scriptures as we go on but this background is very important so that when the Lord starts opening our eyes to certain things, we can collaborate. The unrevealed realm, the invisible realm is real, it exists but cannot be substantiated in the physical realm, in the visible realm except through faith so faith is what gives substance to the invisible realm that makes it something, an experience in the physical realm, in the visible realm.


So the Bible says, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, it has not yet been revealed, you can’t see it with your physical eyes yet but faith substantiates it, it makes it tangible, it makes it look as if you’ve had it already. It makes it a real experience.




Have you had a dream before and you know you had that dream a long time ago and suddenly an event happened in real life and it looks as if that event is not happening for the first time. How many of us have experienced it before? Something happened to you, you know in the physical realm, it’s happening for the first time, you’ve never been to that place before, you’ve never met that person before but when you had that experience, it looks as if you’ve had it before. It has happened to me a lot of times. It’s like, this is the second time, I am doing this thing but in reality, in the physical realm this is the first time I am doing it.


What happened? There was a realm that was real that you had done that thing in but in the transition of time, it now happened in the physical realm to you. When the Bible says, God calling the things that are not as though they were, God gives us a platform called faith in which we can transport or transmit the invisible realm into tangibility for a visible experience. So, when we are walking with God, he said in verse 6, without faith, without this realm,, without this platform, it is impossible to please God and he said this is the reason- for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Do you see that the work of faith is the work of diligence?


He said ‘He is a rewarder’ so a faith walk is not an easy walk. In fact, to some people, it will look as if ‘hope you have not lost it? Are you still with yourself?’ Because they can’t see what you are seeing, the realm that you are operating, they can’t decipher. So it takes somebody that is conscious of that realm and living in that realm as though it is real for you to be in faith, it’s something that comes with a deep conviction, you know this thing exists even though it’s not yet a visible experience, you know this thing is already done, you know it is already a settled matter because you have received it from the invisible realm, from the unrevealed realm and it’s now tangible.  That’s faith. And he said it is impossible to please God without it.


I want us to see Matthew chapter 21 verse 21-22, I want you to hear what Jesus said.


21 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. 22 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”


So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith, I want you to note the word, if you have faith that means if you possess faith so faith is a possession. He said if you have faith and do not doubt, do you remember Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6, it said for without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he is. You must not doubt it. There must be a strong conviction in your heart. That in the realm of faith, you must so believe that that thing is real even though there is no visible experience.


He said and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, this was what Jesus was saying to them after the fig tree withered, he spoke to the fig tree, and it withered off. Jesus was now explaining to them the realm with which he was operating that brought about that visible experience. Jesus was saying ‘see, I have already received in the unrevealed, in the invisible realm what was so real to me in faith that it became a visible experience’. He was telling his disciples how. He said ‘if you have faith, if you can operate in that realm in such a way that you do not doubt the reality of that realm. He said you will not only do what was done to the fig tree but also if you say to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea, it will be done’.


And in verse 22, he said and whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, believing in the invisible realm that you can draw this resources from the invisible realm, what did Jesus say will happen? He said  ‘you will receive’. I want us to note the word that Jesus is using here, he said whatsoever you ask, this verse 22 is very key to our understanding of faith because the things that God will be doing with us in this year, it will not come on any other platform, but on the platform of faith, us understanding where God wants us to stand and how he wants us to stand.


He said whatever you ask, I want us to pause there, why did Jesus use ask, because when you are operating in faith, you are laying demand on the invisible realm. Those things are supplied from the invisible realm so you are laying a demand for example, when you  are asking for healing for your body, you are laying a demand on the invisible realm. That invisible realm, what is there? It’s God’s resources. So, you are drawing resources from the invisible realm in God, in God’s unlimited resources, you are drawing it to a place called faith. And that place where faith lives in your heart, the faith in your heart has not yet brought a visible experience but in your heart, that which you have drawn form the invisible realm must become so real to you, must become so tangible, it must be substantiated in your heart in such a way that you transit from faith to receiving the experience in the visible.


So, when you receive from the invisible realm which is God, because it is the same thing Jesus is saying here, He said and whatever things you ask in prayer, when you pray to God, what you are simply doing is, you are tapping, you are asking, you are requesting, you are knocking, you are seeking from the invisible, from the unlimited resources of God and you are drawing it via faith to your heart. That’s what the Bible says, with the heart we believe, with the mouth, we make confession unto righteousness so faith is a work of the heart so you draw from the invisible realm into your heart, so you receive that thing in your heart but this is how Jesus said it, do not doubt, don’t doubt that what you have asked is already in your heart, you’ve received it. You’ve received it of God. God that does not disappoint, God that does not go on holiday. God that is not out of stock, God that is powerful and potent and does not have low stock. When you receive it from him, you receive it in your heart, it might not be a visible experience yet but it is a matter of time, what did Jesus say, He said believing, Jesus didn’t say believe, if Jesus had said believe, we would think it’s one off .


He said believing, present continuous tense. So, it’s something you must continue to do, your heart must keep believing, what you have drawn from the invisible that is in your heart, believing, no doubt. Not tossed to and fro, believing, not double minded, believing so the state where we must be in faith is believing. What brings about a tangible proof of what you have received from the invisible realm is believing, what transits what you have received from the invisible realm to a visible experience is believing. That’s what you do in faith, believing.


Just believing! I might not see the wind, I might not see the rain but I know the ditches are filled. Believing! God has sent me to the widow of Zarephath, she has just one meal to prepare for herself and her son and die, believing! Go and make for me first, believing! Because at the time when doubt or unbelief sets in, you cannot, even though you have received from the invisible realm, it cannot become a visible experience. What has truncated many of the great experiences that God has for us, in the past years is that we don’t believe, we are not believing. Some of us just want to believe now, Jesus said believing, Matthew chapter 21 verse 22, he said believing.


If you see before that believing, there was a comma, after it, a comma, so believing is so important. Believing is a phase. Believing is such an important phase. So in your faith walk when they say ‘Bro. Biola, I know you have prayed about this thing so what are you doing now, once that thing is not visible yet, what are you doing?’ Believing! Once that thing has not materialized, what are you doing, believing! That’s why Jesus said, he said ask, keep drawing until your joy is full, until you see a visible experience of that which you have drawn form the invisible realm. He said in prayer, believing, you will receive, its definite. There’s no stroke of doubt there. Believing, you will receive. You will receive it in the visible experience. You will have a tangible experience because you have waited, because faith is about waiting but what do you do while you wait, believing!


So, we possess faith because Jesus said, if you have faith, if you have possessed faith, you will do more than what you see that I have done, is it just fig tree that you see wither? You will say to the mountain, a mountain looks established, a mountain looks rugged, He said you will say to the mountain, relocate. I don’t want you here anymore, relocate. He said and you will have it.


Why? Believing! He said it will be done. Believing! Very key. In your leadership in this year 2020, for you to move from just asking of God, of the things that he has said to you, of the promises that are in the invisible realm, all the words you received December 31st, January 1st and every other day of your life to transit from here in the invisible to visible experience, believing. He said when you believe, you will have it.


Luke chapter 1 verse 37, I want us to also see what Jesus said about faith. Something happened in this Luke chapter 1, there was a woman called Elizabeth that has been looking for child, from verse 36


36 Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Luke 1:36-37


‘Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son’, this was conversation that was going on between Mary and the angel. He said she has also conceived a son in her old age and this is now the sixth month of her who was called barren. The woman that was called barren, that she has already crossed menopause into  menostop, that has already gone far beyond child bearing age, the angel said to her, for with God, every other person, impossibilities are allowed but he said, for with God nothing, I want us to note that phrase, for with God, nothing! Nothing means no thing. Nothing means all other things are available in this thing that we are talking about. He said For with God, nothing will be impossible.


So, if your faith is in God and what you are desiring and asking for is with God, then the Bible says none of those things that you are asking of God that is with him shall be impossible so  there is nothing that you want to draw from God in the invisible realm that cannot become visible with God. The woman that was called barren, that had gone past the child bearing age God has done a wonder, she has drawn a child from God and now the child is visible, she is in the sixth month.


And in verse 38, Then Mary said,Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be unto me according to your word, if Elizabeth can, I know her age, Mary came to understand it, that if what you are saying about Elizabeth actually happened, I know Elizabeth’s age, she is my family, we have all been praying and trusting God for her, if she can be with a child, truly there is nothing impossible, there is nothing impossible, He said, for with God, nothing will be impossible so there is all possibilities in God. I am sure many of us, when we were doing mathematics, we were used to probability. Probability of event A happening and event B happening, we say this one is a set of this one, He said God is a holistic set, there is no probability with God.


In him, if it is with God, if it is not with yourself, with you, there might be impossible situations but with God, the controller of the universe, the maker of heaven and earth, there is nothing you draw from him believing that will not become a visible experience. So God is a whole set, probability of A and B happening in God, it will happen. Nothing will be impossible so is there anything in 2020 that God has told you that will become a visible experience in your life that is with him, that you have drawn of him. What is he asking you to do? Believing! He said believing, it will be done.


It will become a visible experience. You will testify of it, you will see it. Believing! So God says, I am going to increase you by 1000 percent and you say ‘Ah! God let it just start with 100 percent, 1000 percent is much oh. God, I know you have great plans, I know you are just saying this so that I will be happy’. No! God is not sweet talking you because with God, nothing will be impossible. He is a God of all possibilities. So faith introduces you to the impossibility of God, in the realm of faith, you are introduced to the impossibility of God so you draw from God impossible things.


But if you have faith in your heart, believing, That’s what Jesus said, relocating a mountain, does it not sound impossible but Jesus said, it will be done if you believe so faith introduces you to God’s possibilities, impossible things becomes possible in faith because that’s the realm in which you can understand the invisible, you can attract the invisible, you can relate with the invisible. He who comes to God must believe that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, who diligently seek his ways and his ways are impossible. For with God, in him, all things are possible.


7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7


What are you trusting God for, what have you been praying about? Draw it. He said, for we walk by faith, we are believing, we are not dependent on the things we see in the visible realm. We are not ruled by what we see. Jesus said in Matthew 4 verse 4 He said, man must not live by bread alone but by every word, that proceeds from the mouth of God so we walk by faith. The Bible says, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith comes by hearing, you hear God to the point that word becomes tangible in your heart, you don’t doubt it. If God says it I believe it, I am believing and that settles it. If God has said that I am going to be great, I believe it and that settles it. I walk by faith, I walk by what God has said in the invisible realm, I don’t walk by what people say.


 Now, let us listen to this, when your step mother or your grandmother said those things to you that you think are defining your life, what realm did they say it? They said it in the visible realm. But God speaks in the invisible realm, calling the things that are not as though they were. And he is saying to you, I don’t want you to live here by sight because when you believe what that your step mother said, you are walking by sight. If you believe what that your grandmother said about you, you are walking by sight. And he said, I want you to walk by faith, what I said in the invisible realm about you, bring it to the realm of your heart, make it tangible, make it your focus, make it the thing you are seeing.


And he said, you will have it, you will receive it and he said, we walk by faith, we walk in the tangibility of the word of God, we walk in the substance of the word of God. God’s word is not vague, God’s word is not vapour, God’s word is real, it’s tangible. We hold unto it in our heart, it is the very essence of our breathing. So we walk by faith. Our two eyes are not the ones leading us, we are led by an invisible force so strong in our hearts that we define the things we see. We define them until all that we have received in the invisible realm becomes visible. We walk by faith and not by sight even though what we are seeing looks opposite of what we have received we don’t walk by sight, we walk by faith. And see what he said in verse 8,


8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:8


We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body’, it looks as if we are no longer humans. He said, we are confident, we are pleased in this, whether to be absent in the body and be present with the lord. In our thoughts, we are present with God, They say, ‘brother are you not seeing all the things that are happening in Nigeria’. ‘Ah! My mind is on the kingdom, I am not walking by sight, I am walking by faith’. God has declared concerning our own economy in the church that this is our experience so whatever they declare in the national is not really our own business, we are kingdom. We walk by faith and not by sight, the assurance of our faith is that we will have whatsoever we ask. In him, whatsoever we ask.


7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2Timothy 4:7


I didn’t lose my faith, I didn’t lose guard. I have kept my faith. I have shielded my heart because I choose to trust the lord with all my heart, I do not lean on my own understanding, in all my ways, I have acknowledged him and he has directed my path. H e said I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have kept the faith. I have kept the assurance, I have kept that tangibility and that substance. I have kept it.


 In this race of 2020, God wants you to fight the good fight, he wants you to finish the race of this year in your leadership in such a way that you have kept the faith, keeping the faith, believing. How do you keep the faith? Believing! Believing and you will receive in the name of Jesus.





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