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Endurance and the End That God has Made: Understanding the Place of Endurance In Order to Finish Strong and Finish Well

In this piece, we are observing a follow up from last week. The Race and The Prize was what we looked at last week and we were able to see from the pages of the Scriptures that there is a race that is set before us. Each and every one of us have a race set before us. And the race is not an empty race, there is a prize to the race. And the race has its regulations, it has its rules of engagement. So, to engage in the race you must compete lawfully according to the rules. And we were also made to see that there is a serious component that gives the victors, the finishers the edge over others. And that’s what we would be examining this particular piece. What is that thing? What is that thing that makes some people stay in the race while others are falling out? It is called Endurance.


The reason many people are falling away is because they lack the tenacity, the staying power, the ability to stay and hold on to the instructions of life. These are the rules. What is that thing that is needed in this race? What is that major component that God has made possible for us by the help of His Spirit that enables us finish? Because by the time we know that it is not the person that starts the race that gets the prize, it is one that finish. There is grace to finish, there is a resource in the kingdom that makes men to finish and not just finish anyhow but to finish strong.


Because often times in the body of Christ, we have been cheering people on in the race and we have told them you can start this race, this race that is set before you, start it today, and we cheer people on to go into the race. But we don’t tell them, we don’t equip them, we don’t enable them to understand that to stay in this race there would come hard time. Hard times will come. It will look as if you should quit the race. You will be in the race and it will just look as if you should just stop the race. Sometimes it will just look as if you just abandon the race midway, sometimes the race will become so difficult, so hard that you will feel like leaving it all, no matter how far you have gone, you don’t care, you just want to come out. Why? Because people are not being taught that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, there is an enabler.


The Bible says it is not by power, the race is not by power, it is not by might, but by My Spirit says the Lord of host. What is it that the Spirit supplies that makes the race possible to the end? I want us to go with me to Galatians 5:22. We are familiar with this Scripture but particularly I want us to see this; “But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law.” So, the fruits of the Spirit is love; but that love have expressions; the expressions of love is what the Bible started reeling out after love; it said joy, peace, longsuffering. That’s where we are going. Another translation puts it as perseverance, patience, endurance. The first thing I want us to understand is that it is an expression of love. Another word for endurance is longsuffering. You can’t talk about endurance and not talk about sufferings, resilience, fortitude, hardness. Your ability to wait.


There is a way the passion translation puts that patience. It says patience to endure. That’s how he qualifies long suffering. Patience to endure. Because you can’t talk about endurance and not talk about patience. For you to endure, you need patience. But not just a patience of having patience like that, its patience to endure and that endurance talks about hardness, it talks about suffering. Meaning that things may not be palatable, it’s not something you want to go through. It’s not an experience that you wish you continue to have. So, I want to read out the definition of endurance because it will help our understanding.


I have given us some synonyms of the word endurance; longsuffering. Patience that endures. But we want to look at this definition. Endurance is the ability of a person to exert him or herself and remain active. I love this definition because it captures many of the components of the things we want to explain in this piece. It is the ability of a person to exert himself or herself and remain active. Remaining active is a key word; I want us to note it and also ‘and exact him or herself’ these are key words. For a long period of time. Not short, but long period of time. That’s why it’s called long suffering. For a long period of time as well as his or her ability to resist, withstand, recover from and have immunity to trauma, wounds or fatigue. This is endurance. And now we will go to the pages of the Scripture and see for ourselves. 


In Romans 12:12, apostle Paul spoke a lot about endurance; see what He said to the Roman church; we can start from verse 11, he was telling them how to behave like a Christian. But our attention is on verse 12. He was speaking to them; not lagging in diligence, fervent in Spirit serving the Lord. Then he said rejoicing in hope, what’s the next thing he said? Patience in tribulation. That’s another word for endurance. It says patience in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayers. This is how a believer must live, with endurance. Patience in tribulation, this is not a common gospel, but it’s a gospel. It is part of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The Bible says in Hebrews 12:2, looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross despising the shame it’s part of the gospel. Apostle Paul said that I may know Him, the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His suffering. We cannot speak about the gospel without talking about suffering, it’s not balanced. Apostle Paul said if we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. We can’t talk about the gospel without talking about suffering. It is not a balanced gospel. And that is why this year that the Lord is speaking to us about doing the will of God. But who is our perfect model in doing the will of God? Jesus Christ! How did He do it? He suffered.


You can’t talk about Him and not talk about His suffering. So, we must understand this part and be armed with the necessary knowledge, understanding the wisdom of endurance so that we can finish the race that is set before us. So, Apostle Paul said here to the believers in Rome; He said patience and tribulations. Jesus said to His disciples, in this world you will have troubles, He didn’t say you might have trouble, He said you will have. Except you are not a disciple of Jesus, except you are not a follower of Jesus, Jesus said in this world as long as you are in this world you will have troubles, tribulations, trials but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. And that’s why we see that endurance is closely tied to hope. You can’t talk about endurance and not talk about hope because if you are enduring without hope, it’s a false endurance. If it’s not the kind of suffering the Holy Spirit inspires it’s not an expression of love.


The long suffering that is an expression of the Spirit, the expression of love is the one that has hope. So, we don’t suffer like them that don’t have hope, we suffer with the hope of where we are going. And that’s why the title this morning is endurance and the end that God has made.  That’s the hope. There is an end, surely there is an end and the expectation of the righteous will not be cut short. Even though you have to endure, there is an end. That’s the hope. Please don’t forget our definition of endurance. Because it will help us a lot. You must be able to exact yourself and remain active. You are not enduring and you are passive, Apostle Paul said be patient in tribulation. Continuing steadfastly. That’s how you remain active. In prayers remain active.


To be patent in tribulation and remaining active, that’s endurance. Anything outside that you are just doing your thing. You must remain active. Romans 5 verse 3 to 4. “and not only that but we also glory in tribulation.” We are patient in tribulations, and we also glory in tribulations. Knowing that-this is our hope; knowing that tribulations produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope. Now, hope does not disappoint. Our endurance eventually produces hope when we rejoice in tribulations. In romans 12 verse 12, it says be patient in tribulations, when he got to Romans 5 3 to 4, He said rejoice in tribulations; this comes before that. So, he said rejoice in tribulations, be patient in tribulations. It’s a posture, this is how we remain active. This is how you exact yourself. It says when you rejoice in tribulations it produces endurance. So, there is something God is getting out of that time, there is something God is getting out of that process.


There is a woman/man you are becoming. There are many of us we pray; Lord use me for your glory, use me like you used Paul, use me like you used Pater and God is looking at you, can you drink the cup because, when Jesus was speaking to the mother of the two disciples James and john that wanted to have positions, He said to them, this thing you are asking for is my father that can do it, but see it’s not impossible. Are you willing to drink? The cup He is talking about, is it a cup of enjoyment? Is it a cup of pleasure? Are you willing to drink of the cup? What is the cup? The cup of tribulation. And they said we are willing. For you to become disciples that have thrones, you must drink. So, there are many prayer points we are praying now and God is looking at you, will you be able to drink the cup?


Will you be able to drink the cup? Lord use me mightily like you used Apostle Paul, will you be able to drink the cup? Lord use we like Catherine Kullman, will you be able to drink the cup? There is a cup to drink, the cup of tribulation. And you will see throughout the story of Apostle Paul He was always talking about His trials. There was a time He was reeling out His trials, he said ship wreck many times, poison many times, beaten, many times. He was reeling out the cup he had to drink for the sake of Christ. Then you just read that apron was taken out of them and was healing the sick and you just think that’s what you want. What about the cups? Hebrews 12 verse 1 after Hebrews 11, where the hall of faith was reeled out to us, the faith of Abraham, the faith of Noah, the faith Enoch, the faith Gideon, Jephthah, Barack all these great men and women of God. then Hebrews 12 verse 1 says; now we are surrounded with such a great cloud of witnesses.


In a race who are witnesses? What do they do? It says Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight”; our excuses. Let’s stop making excuses. If you say you cannot drink and in that cloud of witness was Job. He did not nothing to drink, he didn’t offend God, God was boasting in heaven about job, and how righteous he has been and how he has loved him so faithfully and steadfastly, and job as a result of the boasting of God in heaven was suffering on the earth. and job is part of the cloud. And if you are making excuses, in that cloud is Elijah that had to face monarchs that were wicked, serving idols, he was threatened several times, he had to be living in a cave drinking from a brook. In that cloud is Abraham who God called from his comfort to a land that He will show him. And see the discomfort Abraham had to suffer following a God that was not popular, following a God that nobody knew, how was he going to convince his family members that he heard a voice. How was he going to say it to a people that he has become a leader over? Do you know when his father died, he took leadership over his father’s house? And he had to leave that leadership position and the family he was leading to follow a voice.


In that cloud was Gideon, when there was heated battle, Gideon was hiding, Gideon was doing cover up when the angel saluted him. He said “angel you are from that realm, in this our realm there is heated battle, don’t say mighty man of valor, can mighty man of valor be hiding?” There is serious battle in the land, I can’t come out and be saying anything and he said in the midst of the heated battle I want you to lead a people and I will give you victory and he obeyed. In that cloud you have Paul the Apostle that suffered several shipwreck beaten and thrown in prison what will be our excuse not to endure? Don’t say no it was easier in our time than in their time, is it true? The Bible says we are surrounded with people that have endured the race, people that have worn endurance as a garment, with humility they were able to finish the race. And they are looking at us as witnesses, they are witnessing our time, and they are looking at us how we are doing this race with levity, they are looking at how we are running, they are looking at how are we not asserting ourselves and we are not remaining active.


2 Corinthians 4:16-18. “Therefore, we do not lose heart…” This is the conviction of a man; even though our outward man is perishing, even though the sun is scorching us, we are locked up in prison, we are witnessing in the midst of the desert, it said yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. Remember were we read in Romans 5:3-4, that we rejoicing in tribulation is producing something in us; that’s what Apostle Paul is now saying, it’s causing our inward man to be renewed, regenerated, to be rejuvenated, to come alive day by day. See how he described tribulation. He said for our light affliction which is but for a moment, I love this; this is perspective. He said this is the perspective you should have when you are enduring. He said “this light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us.”


This thing that we are going through is working for us, it’s not working against us, the world might look at it and think it’s working against us but its working for us. This is the perspective we must have. It is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Do you know the kind of glory that Apostle Paul is enjoying now? That John the beloved is enjoying now? They called it light affliction because it is temporal and see what he said in verse 18, “while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.” We don’t look at the things that is passing away, we look at the things that can never pass away.


We don’t look at what is temporal, we look at what is permanent. We don’t look at the things that can be destroyed by a single blast of the breath of God but on the things that if they are shaken they will remain. He said for the things which are seen are temporary no wonder he called it our light affliction. The things that are seen are temporary. No wonder Jesus said don’t fear those that can destroy the body, temporary, bit the one that can destroy both your Saul and your spirit in hell. But the things which are not seen are eternal. They are everlasting. The things that God is working out by the things that are seen, they are things that would last, that would remain. They are the things that will continue from eternity to eternity.


He said this is the perspective you should have with endurance. You are enduring because of this hope, the hope that what you are going through is a light affliction and its working in you an eternal weight of glory. He said if you have this hope you will endure. I want us to read 2 Corinthians 5 verse 1 to 3. See what Apostle Paul said; “for we know that this our earthly house” what did he call this body? This tents. For we know that this our earthly house is destroyed, we have a building. We don’t have a tent, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven. In this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven. If indeed having being clothed, we shall not be found naked.


Are you seeing our hope? If only in this world we have hope we of all men most miserable, we endure because our hope is not here, our hope is with Him. This earthly house is a tent, do you know what a tent is? It’s a make shift! So, this time we are spending in this realm is a make shift. There is a life that transits here, eternity that we will reign forever and ever with Him. where we will have a building from God, this is our hope, we endure. No wonder Apostle Paul called it light affliction. Because, when you know you will move to a house, whatever you are doing in the tent what do you do? You endure.


Until you understand the perspective of eternity, you won’t know why you need to endure here. We must shift perspective. Focus on the things that are eternal, for the things that are seen are temporary, the unseen is eternal. Even though you cannot see it with your physical eyes they exist. James 1 verse 2 to 4. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials” it didn’t say one trial it said various trials. Knowing that the testing of your faith; Apostle James called tribulations trial, the testing of our faith. He said knowing; so you must know that the testing of your faith produces patience. Verse 4, but let patience have its perfect work. Don’t let patience do half work in you, let patience do its complete, whole work in you. This is how we do the will of God; that you may be perfect, complete, lacking nothing.


When we endure, we become perfect. That is what God is looking out for. The Bible says; Jesus though a son, he learnt obedience by the things he suffered. Obedience is the point of His perfection, the point of His completion where He lacked nothing. That’s why Jesus could boldly say; the prince of this world come to me and he found nothing, because I am perfect, complete; lacking nothing. Everything I had to go through, I released myself, I exerted myself and I went through it. Do you know why many believers are falling into the snares of the devil? They want to cut corners.  Many believers are dodging trials and that’s why they are falling prey of the devil. Once they see it clothed the way it is, they excuse themselves and that is the pathway to glory.


When Paul was called, God told Ananias go and tell him that there are several things he will suffer for me. When prophet Agabus came and took his girdle and tied it, he said this is the way the owner of this girdle will be tied in Jerusalem. And he said I am not only willing to be bound, I am willing to die. He saw trial and he stepped into it because he knew that is the pathway to glory. So, Apostle James said when we go through we will become perfect, complete lacking nothing. That is where God is taking us to. That is who God wants you to become. So, when you see the door of trials and tribulations as a believer, don’t aside and look for another door, go through it.


Yes, there will be fatigue, there would be traumas sometimes there could be wounds. But the Lord helps you to build immunity. the devil will look at you and say what else can I through that this person won’t be able to absorb? What did the devil throw at Jesus that He was not able to absorb it? Even to the point of death. When He got there He said death where is your sting? Grave where is your victory? Because, He had immunity over death because He went through. For some us the trials that we go through is so that God can build an immunity system within us. The Bible says Jesus through His poverty we became rich, He went through and He built a system that we benefit from today.


Another perspective we must have in endurance. Deuteronomy 31 verse 8. God was speaking to the children of Israel, He said “And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” So, no matter the trial and tribulation, He is the one who goes before you. He said I will go before you making every crooked path straight. He said if you pass through the waters I will be with you, I won’t cause it to over flow you, through the fire, it will not burn you, because He will be with you. He will not leave you not forsake you. Because He will be with you. Do not fear nor be dismayed. This is the assurance we have in God; He will be with you. God will not forsake you there. Did God forsake Job? No! did He forsake Paul, Stephen? No!


To the world it will look as if God has forsaken you. Apostle Paul said though our outward man perishes, we know our inward man. We know, they might not know but we know that our inward man is been renewed. The Bible says if they had known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Because they felt if they killed Him that will be the end to Him. the same way they felt if they had killed Stephen that would be the end to the gospel. But God used that event to further spread the church to different places. Let God use that tribulation and trial to work out something eternal.


Whatever God is asking us to go through it’s because He is working out something.  Colossians 3 verse 23 to 25. “And whatever you do, do it heartily” remain active not for a short period but for a long period. That’s why Apostle Paul said rejoice, I say again rejoice in tribulations. And whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord, not to men. Don’t endure for men, endure for God. 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ. The reason you will exert yourself and remain active for a long period of time and you would resist and withstand everything the devil is throwing at you is because you serve the Lord Christ. You are doing it serving the Lord, do whatever you do as unto the Lord, not unto any man. 25 But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality.


Endure not doing eye service to men, not wanting them to see that you are strong, that you can stay. It’s your service to God. It’s about your service to God, because He is your rewarder. When Jesus was telling the disciples about fating, He said when Pharisees fast and the put ashes on their head and wear sack cloths, He said they have already received their reward. But when you shut the door, when you know it’s between you and God, when you know it’s about your service to God, then God will reward you. If you do anything for men you have received your reward, but if its God, your reward is eternal. The reward of God is according to His nature. The reward of God is according to His person. The person that reward you, rewards you according his person if what I want is a reward from my husband, my husband will reward me according to His person.


If what I want is a reward from God, then God will reward me according to His person. Because everybody carries a personality. The personality of God is eternal. That’s how the reward of God will be. So, this must be our focus. I am going to close in with this Scripture in Romans 15 verse 4 to 5, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, the life of Abraham, the life of Joseph, the life of Isaac, the life of Gideon, Enoch; they were written for our learning. That we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. So, the Scripture is not a story book, it is for our learning. You must observe the story of Job and have hope. Observe the story of Abraham and have hope. Verse 5 says; Now may the God of patience; when I got here I loved it. God is a God of patience. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus.”


This is a prayer that Apostle Paul prayed for the Roman church, and I am also praying it for us this morning; that may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like minded to have this mind that will always look to the Scriptures and learn and have hope. For us to be able to endure, we must have hope. And hope does not disappoint. This hope does not disappoint. There is a crown of life for us there is a reward waiting for us, if we will endure. You must remain active, for a long period of time. Don’t say I have been doing it five years, is it not long enough? It’s for a long period of time until we lay hold of that which Christ has laid hold of us.


Don’t quit, don’t stop, don’t give-up. I came across this quote of Martin Luther King Jr, and I found it very interesting, and it’s also in accordance with Scriptures. It says: “if you cannot fly then run, if you cannot run then walk, if you cannot walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. And this is so apt, so important; it’s in accordance with Scriptures. Whatever you do in this kingdom, don’t stop, don’t retrogress. We are not of them that draw back to perdition but we press on to lay hold to the saving of the soul.”




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