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Divided Vision: The Reason for Church Breakups & Breakouts In The World

I am persuaded that the Lord perceives His Church differently from the way we perceive the Church; and instead of His perception of the Church becoming the foundation; many have built the Church with their own (often) misleading and misconceived perception. We see differently in life, and we respond to and relate with things, based on how we perceive such things. In fact, it is believed that Economists and Accountants do not see money the same way. We relate with things the way we see them.If you pour water into a cup to the mid-point, and ask 10 people to define what they see; you would realize that some of them might say that the cup is half full; while the others might say that the cup is half empty – indeed, we see things differently. In view of these variations in the manners of perceptions of the people, God decided longtime to solve the puzzle by establishing one kingdom and one king. The genesis of the Church was from the garden of Eden; but was re-enacted from the time of Daniel:

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consumes all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

Daniel  2:44

If you read the whole chapter, you would appreciate the implications of those words and their potency. The will of the God of heaven is not to set up kingdoms; but to set up a kingdom. Also, God never planned to hand-over the kingdom to other people; but to the King. The implication of that is, if the kingdom is hand-over to other people; it means that the people can see the kingdom differently and live in the kingdom differently, govern it differently and live in the kingdom differently – instead, the kingdom shall not be left to people; hence, the kingdom life, kingdom governance and kingdom vision is one and from one Source – the King! What a relief (if you ask me)! The Scripture is bold about the functions, or the consequences of this kingdom, ".…it shall break in pieces and consume all these (previous) kingdoms…." That means that the Kingdom is never intended to be divided or broken into pieces; instead, the kingdom is expected other kingdoms into pieces – scatter them and destroy them. But what do we see in the Church today – divisions (left, right, center, up and down)! What exactly is wrong?

But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If satan casts out satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

Matthew 12:25-26

Nothing brings down any people, nation or kingdom faster than division. The Scripture emphatically says that a divided kingdom cannot stand; and from the book of Daniel 2:44, we know that the Kingdom, which the God of heaven sets up is expected to stand forever; therefore, the greatest enemy of the Church is not satan per se; but division.Today, we have hundreds of thousands of churches across the world; and each of them have thousands of networks across counties, countries and continents – but the question is, "how much impact has been made on the world by these countless assemblies." The reality today is, the Church is so divided in thoughts, life, administrations, doctrines (traditions), languages, culture and influence that many have infiltrated the Church who have no business being in the Church.

The common language today is, "This is my Church"; "Our Church is better in worship"; "Our Pastor is the best preacher in the country"; "Our tithe is bigger than the tithe of other churches in the city"; "Apart from our church and Church A and Church X; there is no other holy Church around here". All these words and many more, reminds me of the encounter of Elijah with God, when he told God that "I alone am left"; God's response was clear – "I still have 7,000 people who have not compromised (bowed down) to baal. We believe we are better than others; so, we separate ourselves from them, and change our corporate identities. Somebody is being disciplined in an assembly; but feels insulted and leaves to join the nearby assembly – only for the new assembly to start celebrating the new addition to them. Would you call that an addition or a division?

Usually, we believe that when we break away from the Church to start a new Church, it will result to further growth. However, such thoughts are from the evil one, there is a difference between division and multiplication and addition. The truth is, when there is a break-away in the Church, the WHOLE is divided and scattered into pieces and in different places. The WHOLE life, governance, and vision is sliced into pieces and taken to different places. No wonder we see half-hearted, half-baked, half-taught, half-spirited, half-equipped and half-visioned believers everywhere. 

In a situation where the WHOLE Church used to emphasis faith, love, hope, wisdom, power, strength, riches (prosperity), honour, glory, and blessed;because of division (irreconcilable differences), the different parts now pick each of the formal emphasis and make it their identity and their message from God to the people. You then hear the Brother X is now the Pastor of Wisdom Church of God, and he is a preacher or teacher of wisdom. Brother Y is now the Pastor of Faith City Church, where he preaches faith. Brother B is now the Senior Pastor of Blessed Christ Church, where he preaches the blessing of the Lord. Brother J is now the Founder and President of Glory and Honour Evangelical Ministries, where he brings men to God's glory and honour.

Let God be true, but every man a liar – the solid foundation of God (the Kingdom – Church) stands, having this seal: "The Lord know those who are His" The Lord is the King (Head) of the Church, and His Kingdom is and must not be divided. In the Kingdom, there is One Lord, One Vision, One Hope, One Spirit and One Faith.

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

Note: He did not say that Peter will build His Church; rather, He said that He will build His Church. He also didn't say that He will build His Churches – but His Church. Therefore, the Church is not expected to be divided or broken into pieces – the Church is the Lord's and His vision for the Church is One and the same across generations. God never gave men the privilege of building. His Church, lest the build it to suit their personalities, influence, strengths and weakness and their ambitions. Instead, He retains the exclusive right of building the Kingdom – the Church. Therefore, enough of saying that you are building Church or  your vision for the Church – the vision for the Church is the vision (not visions) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Church is not the prosperity or right or inheritance of any man or family – the Church is not a building or complex – the Church is not even a camp (ground or city). The Church is the Kingdom of Christ – if you and I cannot build or personalize Christ; then, we cannot and must not build or personalize the Church. May the Lord expand these words in your spirit by His Spirit in you. Remember, the Spirit of Christ is in you, yet you cannot contain, confine or claim Him – you cannot even personalize Him. In same vein, you are in the Church (Kingdom) of Christ, you cannot contain, confine or claim it; neither can you personalize it – It belongs to Him alone! Shalom!!!


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