It is safe and convenient for me to believe that every Nigerian is conscious of the numerous threats facing this nation and the apparent possibilities ahead of the nation. The alarming reality however is the increasing rate of inconvenience and exploitation of our national privileges by the people in positions of responsibility. Some time ago, the formal Minister of Power in Nigeria (Prof. Nebo) made a statement that appeared uninspiring and lacking in merit about the situation of Nigeria: He said, "Even if all the giant energy companies of America, UK, China should take up the task of solving the power problem of Nigeria; they will not be able to do it in 10 years".
That statement reminds me of what happened in the ancient Israel when a "Minister" refuted the claims of a Prophet about the future of the economy of Israel. The "Minister" said; "Look, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, could this thing be?" And listening to the "Minister", the Prophet replied, "In fact, you shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not eat of it." (2 Kings 7:1-2). I am not surprised that the government of the "Minister" was replaced with a new one by the election of the people. The point is, the current situation of Nigerian economy is not the best; nor is it the only option – we are only here because certain people have limited our national potentials by their own shortsightedness.
Every nation under heaven can become great and developed; however, the greatness and development of every nation is dependent on the realization of each nation's uniqueness in potentials and abilities. Every nation has three(3) dimensions of strengths, which can take any nation to the first-world (developed) status. In this short article, I will be mentioning the three(3) dimensions very briefly, hoping that we will take time to think through them as a people and a government.
The Three Dimensions of Diversification of National Economy
Underground Dimension of diversification:
Every nation is built on certain "foundational" resources and strengths. I call it the "under-cover resources" or we could call it the "hidden resources". The truth is, there is much underneath every nation than can be exploited by any generation. No wonder the word of God says, "One generation comes, another generation goes; but the EARTH remains." Part of what remains in the earth is the underground reserve of wealth and blessing. God did not just create the earth to be walked and lived on; He created the earth to provide everything that man requires for effective living. If you remember the account of creation; how man was brought by God to the garden of Eden by God; the Scriptures tell us about four rivers within the garden; one of the rivers pass through the whole land of Havilah, which was full of gold and the gold of that land was good. The other parts of the garden had precious stones and many things that we all crave for today. Could you imagine how nations today specialize on one resource when the LORD blessed each nation with many options – which are lying fallow underneath the land. You see, the secret things belong to the LORD (the Owner of all things); but the things that are revealed (discovered) belong to us and our children forever. (Deuteronomy 29:29).
The developed nations do not only know about the hidden resources underneath their territories; they make effort to discover what the LORD has deposited underneath other nations. The painful part is that, they discourage other nations from tapping their resources and processing them; in order to continue their dominance on those nations. Wise nations do not only know what God has put under them; they make efforts to tap them and process them for their own development and prosperity.
Surface Dimension of Diversification:
We all have eyes; but we do not all see same things. It has been said that when Chinese get into any nation; the first thing on their mind is, "how can they start a new business here". And really, what they see around is not complains or sufferings or what is not working or what is working; they go around seeing possibilities and new businesses. The truth is, there are opportunities for growth, opportunities for new knowledge, opportunities for new challenges, opportunities for new relationships everywhere; however, we do not all see it. For Nigerian economy to be diversified; Nigerians must awake to their senses – especially their eyes. The same nation that we complain in; when foreigners come, they see plenty opportunities for prosperity. The fact that the electricity in Nigeria is in a pitiable condition; is an enough reason for a wise person (whether local or foreign) to start a new business for. New business are supposed to be birthed for new problems – newer businesses are expected to be in regions with newer problems or challenges. When people need something, they make sacrifices to get it; therefore, creating products and services that meet the needs of the people is equally creating more money in your pockets. Do you know that the citizens of Nigeria have been sleep-walking for decades? We walk around our streets with eyes closed. How on earth can we see the surface when we are busy bowed in our vision? We need more visionaries; not to look down or look up; but to look AROUND: for around us lies many problems that begs for solutions with a tremendous reward. Consider the wealth of Microsoft today and consider how it emerged. Computers were unnecessarily large and inefficient in those day; but a man took interest in solving that problem – do you know that the whole economy of America and Bill Gate has been rewarded for decades for that visionary adventure?
Above-Surface Dimension of Diversification:
This is an area of diversification that we have been so lacking for ages. We simply lack in inspiration! Resources are not all tangibles at their raw states; but when tapped and processed; most of them become tangible. Above every nation lies the capacity for National Transformation and Economic Development. A man called John once told his protegees that "whatever comes from above is above everything or everyone else"; and I agree completely with him. As a nation, we must come to terms with our human limitations; and yearn in our hearts for divine interventions.
Problems are everywhere on earth; and nations are getting answers daily from the Creator of the earth to solve them. Do you imagine how Scientists get answers to the numerous questions of their hearts? Today, we hear about how light was discovered; how the inventor tried and failed for 9,999 times before he eventually succeeded. When he was asked about how he failed for such a number of times; he said; "he only learnt 9,999 lessons on how lights can never come". Isn't that a food for thought? The question is, "what did he do on the 10,000th time that he did not do earlier? I am of the opinion that the greatest inventions in this world are reserved for men and women of inquisitive hearts and minds; a people that can ask the right Person the right questions and receive insights from the Creator and Maker of everything – God! You see, nothing can really be attributed to Nigerians and Nigeria in terms of meaningful inventions. The reason is simple, "We limit ourselves by what we read and hear daily.
We read books written decades ago by inventor or their students and we build our expertise on what they say. Forgetting that we can only become second-best to the writer. Have you not realized that when we read all the laws given by the Scientists and we work daily on those laws; we are limiting ourselves. Those laws were received by them to guide their own inventions; you and I must receive ours to guide our own inventions. Can't a Nigerian propagate a new theory or law of something aside the law of gravity, the law of motion, the law of Parial Pressures and so on. Every new law is for every new invention; until Nigerians can look above the surface, we cannot receive such laws from God and we cannot discover new things
Our wealth as a nation is a function of our degree of diversification; and until we look underneath our national surface and tap to refine or process what we get from there; we will not experience true development. We must quit our complains and start building new businesses. Fine, Nigerians are great starters of NGOs; I only wish Nigerian Non Governmental Organizations are solving problems; but we must move ahead to starting SME businesses that attend to pressing (even petty) national problems; and we must accept our weaknesses – seeking for divine intervention by inspiration for new inventions and creations: For until we become inventors of great things; we will remain imitators of both good and bad things.
In summary, the three dimensions of national diversification as received by me from the LORD and propagated for our national economic transformation or change is as follows:
* Underneath Discoveries, Aggressive Exploitation, and Local Processing for Local Satisfaction.
* Surface Discoveries and Excited or AddictedEntrepreneurship
* Discoveries and Inventions for national application and excellence.