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Discipleship: How Men of God Are Made on Earth

Becoming a Man or Woman of God is not by  title or experience in the Church or ministry. No man becomes a man of God overnight; and no man can make himself a Man of God or Woman of God.

A man is a man; until the LORD God incubates such a person into His own mould. Only after such divine incubation can a man be called a Man of God. Do you know why such a fellow will or can be called a Man or Woman of God? It is because, the man or woman is beginning to look like God, talk like God, perform the works of God and live the life of God.

A man or woman of God is not one that is so called by men, but called, chosen, appointed and sent by God. The question then is, "Can God send just anybody on an errand?" While He is the LORD, He will not just send anybody for just any errand – the identity of His message and work and the personaility of His messenger is a priority for Him.

Please note that  God does not adopt His men and women – For He takes His time to prepare, prune and partner with His own men. When God wanted to reach out to the Gentile nations; He did not send the vibrant Brother Peter, but He called, chose and raised up our Brother Paul. In same vein, the scale of corruption in Nigeria and the high inpunity in the world notwithstanding; the LORD will not adopt men and women to represent His will among nations; instead, He will take His time and efforts to raise His own men and women of generational relevance up.

Therefore, each time you take your time to consider the alarming rate of decadence in our societies; don't just get worried and complain about it; make efforts to SURRENDER your own life to its Giver – the LORD, so that He can patiently and thoroughly work on your life, to raise you up as His Man or Woman in your generation.

I am currently at His making factory, being worked on day by day by Him; would you join me and countless others as we are made by God through Discipleship into Giants Killers in our generations? 

I trust God over the next few week and months to prepare our hearts oon the intricacies of true discipleship; and effective disciple-making.

All glory be to our LORD!


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