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Defending the Faith: Understanding How to Become Partakers of Grace

In this piece, we will be discussing on ‘Defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith; And what it means to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. I want to start with a Scripture in First Peter chapter 3:15. It says; “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always; so, you see that those things are linked together. Sanctifying the Lord in your heart is not just one leg alone; he said, and always be ready to give a defense.


So, when we talk about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, Apostle Peter was helping us understand what he means: He said, ‘give a defense’. Is it to some people? Did he say just to the church, no! he said everyone and what is the question? Everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you. So, the question is, do you have a hope in you? The hope you have in you is the basis of your Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. In Hebrews chapter 11:1, the Bible says; “Now Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.” So, for you to say you have Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith and to defend one, then there must be a hope in you and that hope is substantiated, and the substance is the reason. So, if you look at Hebrew chapter 11:1, he said the substance of things hoped for.


So, what is the substance of your standing; the reason? Why do you have hope for, if there is no substance? Why do you have hope when there is no reason? Is it possible for you to have hope without a reason? That you're just living your life: I have hope that it will be better; you can't just say it will be better, on what basis will it be better? Why will it be better and what is the reason for it to be better? The reason is the substance. So, the first thing we want to look at is, hope we have a reason for our hope in Christ? Hope we have a substance for the things we hope for? For example, the things we hope for is that Jesus will come again; that there will be a second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we hope for it? That's the reason. When He said He will come again, do we doubt Him or do we believe Him? So, defending your Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, first stands on the premise that you have a reason for your hope.


First Peter chapter 3:15 says; “But sanctified the Lord God in your heart, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” So, there are somethings we're going to take with us as we discuss about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. The first thing we're going to take along with us is that before you can defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, you need to sanctify God in your heart. Before you can say that I'm a believer and am defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, you have to sanctify the Lord in your hearts; then when you have done that, be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.


Let’s see Jude verse three, “beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly for the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith which was once for all delivered for the saints”. He said, I found it as a matter of importance, I found it as a matter of urgency to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly. When you are told to do something earnestly, it means don’t slack at it, do it quickly; contend earnestly for the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith which was once for all delivered for the saints. So, when we are talking about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, it is an exhortation and an attention that the Holy Spirit is pointing us to in this season so that we will quickly respond. Do you know the reason why it's important for us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith in this season? It is because, everywhere you turn to, it looks as if our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is being challenged.


The reason you would defend something is because it is being challenged. We have come into a time and a season that it looks as if our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith on a daily basis is being challenged. How many people are living with the hope that Jesus is returning? How many people are living with the hope that there is eternity in view? How many people are living their life with the consciousness of spirituality? How many people are living their lives with that understanding that God has sent them to the earth for such a time as this: for a mission, for an assignment, and for a purpose? That is why we need to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. So, when we're talking about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, the Bible says that Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God; if we want to define the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, we can say that Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is hearing the Word of God and everything that God says is His Word.


So, whatever God says is the basis, the substance, and the reason for our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. So, when whatever God says is being challenged, what do we do? We defend it. So, when we're talking about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, we're not saying that you should wear a boxing glove and somebody now says to you that I don't believe in God; and then you start to box the person. No! That's why when Apostle Peter was saying to us in First Peter chapter 3:15, he said, do it with meekness and fear. Defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is done with meekness and fear. When the devil came to Jesus in Matthew chapter four, and Jesus was responding to the devil, what was He doing? He was defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. The devil came and said, Jesus, if you are the Son of God, turn this stone into bread. Did Jesus say, Satan you are very foolish, how can you say that to Me? Did He come with boxing glove? No! What did Jesus say? He responded; man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God: He was defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


When the devil came again with another Scripture, he said, jump down. After all, God said in His Word, that He will give His angels charge over You, that You will not dash Your feet against the stone; and Jesus responded and said to him, He said, you will not tempt the Lord your God: that is defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. So, every time we are armed with the Word of God, and responding in accordance with the will of God: we are defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. When you are in a circle and they are discussing that before you marry, you should test because when you want to buy something in the market, you test before you buy it. And they start talking in a manner about unfaithfulness before marriage. Don't keep quiet and say ignorance people. What they are doing at that time is that they are challenging your Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith and Apostle Peter said in meekness and fear you defend your Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


 So, when we're talking about defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, we are talking about defending and giving response to anyone that asks you the reason. So, if somebody asks you, what is the reason for your hope: that if somebody slaps you, you will not slap the person back? Because Jesus said when they slap you on the left cheek, you turn the right; He said if they collect something from you, give them the other one also. That’s defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. Why do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? We're going to look at six reasons why it is important for us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Number One: We are instructed to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith because we need to cast down arguments. Second Corinthians chapter 10:5, casting down arguments; we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.


So, if you think God has not instructed us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, this is one of the reasons why we are instructed to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. We are instructed to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith because we need to cast down arguments. Some of the things we do at the Center for New Dimension Leadership is to release resources that defends the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, we speak to issues and matters, not because we don't have any other thing to do, but it is important; necessity is laid on us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. If a case is brought before the court, why do you think both parties need lawyers? There is one called the prosecuting counsel. What is the work of the prosecuting counsel? The prosecuting counsel comes to say that what this person has done, he actually did it, and I'm going to prove beyond every reasonable doubt that this person did it. Then there's another lawyer that comes named the defense counsel. What is the defense counsel doing? The defense counsel is saying this person has not done this thing, and I'm going to prove beyond every reasonable doubt that he did not do it.


So, when they get to the court, they start arguing; the prosecuting counsel argues against the person, the defense counsel argues in favor of the person, doing what? Casting down the argument of the prosecuting counsel. So, the devil is a prosecutor, prosecuting all manner of cases in the world today, for example, he is prosecuting that you should not talk to small children about their sexuality, they should make up their mind on the sexual orientation they want to have: that is an argument. The reason we need to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is because there must be a defense against that, that when God created man; male and female He created them, and when He told Adam, it's not good for a man to be alone, He did not bring Steve; He brought Eve, a woman to Adam. And He said for this reason, will a man leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife who is female: her and not him.


So, we should not just sit down and watch, we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. They are saying things near you, you defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith by letting them know what God has said. Some people go around saying heaven help those who help themselves, somebody will tell you categorically that it is in the Bible; then you will now keep quiet, no! You defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, it's not in the Bible, heaven help those who help themselves is not in the Bible. He said I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help, my help comes from the Lord, and He said He will be your ever-present help in time of need. So, we need to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith by casting down arguments. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God ‘it's about knowledge, it's about the word’, there is a knowledge of God and the knowledge of God is what our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is built on. So, if there is any knowledge that is coming against that knowledge of God, our responsibility is to cast it down.


These days, there are many advocates against sexual purity. In fact, when you talk about it, directly or indirectly you will see how people will bash on you. Does it mean we should be quiet? No! The truth of the Word of God stands, it is tried and tested. Whether they shout down on you or not; stand for what is correct. Cast down arguments; it is our responsibility. That’s why the Bible says we are the light of the world; the world is known for darkness. How do we shine our lights? We shine our lights by defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, and not keeping mute. But he said we should do it with meekness and fear. We're not doing it pompous and arrogant, like we know it all, and that's why when people ask me, what is your view about this thing? I tell them I don’t have a view; my view is the word of God.


It is when you have a view that it becomes your view against theirs. It is about what God has said. That's why he did not say to defend your opinion or defend your view, rather he said defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith; defend the Word of God. Defend what God said, and not your opinion, or what was passed down from your father and your great grandfather: you are to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Number Two: The reason we need to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is because we need to take a stand. Psalm chapter 94:16, “who will rise up for me against the evil doers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Now it was David speaking here but God is asking this question. The reason we need to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is because we need to take a stand. Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul will soon have settled in silence. God is asking us to take a stand. The reason we will take a stand is because we want to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. As a believer, when we are asked what is our stand on an issue, we should not say we don’t have any stand. Every question on the earth has answers in the Bible.


There is no issue, the one that have arisen, the one that will arise; that the answer is not in the Word of God. Do you notice these days when you're watching movie, before when they say oh my God, they will write it in full when transcribing the movie, but, now, it is so bad that when you are watching a movie, and the person says oh my God, they will do effects to silence the God. They are ashamed of God, then they will change it to oh my goodness; because they don't want God to be public. And God said, whosoever is ashamed of Me on the earth, I will be ashamed of him. That's your stand; defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith! There is an opinion of God, concerning every matter, you might not have an opinion. That's why what we adopt is the opinion of God, not our own opinion and not how we feel. Jesus said, the words that I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are life. So, the word I speak to you is the life that you must live, it is your opinion for life: we must defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. We need to take a stand against evil doers, against workers of iniquity; let's not normalize sin, let's not normalize iniquity, it is not right.


Number Three: As believers, why is it important for us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith because we must exhort and convict. Titus chapter 1:9, the Bible says, “holding fast the Faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine, both to exhorts and convict those who contradicts”. So, we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith because we must exhort and convict; it is our responsibility. That as a believer, you're not just supposed to be giving exhortation to people, you must be able to convict those who contradicts, who go against the Faithful word. So why do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to exhort and convict. What does it mean to exhort? It is to tell people, it is well; you are coming out of this: you're coming out strong. To convict; is to look them in the face and say this you are doing, contradicts the Word of God; you must repent, you must change your ways.


Number Four: We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to convince people. Second Timothy chapter 4:2 says; “Preach the word.” If you see in the Bible, it is with exclamation mark. Preach the word! (It is a matter of urgency). Be ready in season and out of season; don't say, I don't feel like talking to anybody, I don't feel like counselling anybody; whatever you want to do, go and do it, no! The Bible says we should be ready in season and out of season. That's what you signed up for. Let’s pay attention to these words convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching. I remember Dr. Myles Munroe; he was saying in one of his messages that somebody said to him that this your message really blessed me and he was looking like it is the same thing that I've been preaching for the past 20 years: he said but they are just getting it.


Do you know how many people that still listens to Kenneth Hagin, and still read the books of E.W Kenyon? Do you know when E.W Kenyon had died? And also, some are still reading the materials of Smith Wigglesworth. It looks as if they were preaching to one generation, but because they decided to suffer long and teach, the materials are blessing generations after them. Preach the word! The word never goes out of vogue. Preach the word! Be ready, in season and out of season, in that preaching; convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching: don't desist from this. So, we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith so that we can convince people, we can rebuke, exhort, long suffering, and teaching. But the word we want to pick there is convince; we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to convince people.


There was a disciple of Jesus, the one that went to meet Nathaniel. The person was preaching, he said, we have found the Messiah, come and see Him. He convinced Nathaniel and he came to Jesus. Why do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to convince men, that the road they are treading is a way that seems right in their own eyes, but the end is destruction. There's a word called hold your ground; now, the ground we are holding in this case is the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. Hold fast to the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith; don't let go, don't let other people convince you into error. Don’t let other people convince you into contradiction, you do the convincing; let your life convince them, let your result convince them, let your evidence convince men. That's why we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Number Five: We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith so that we can defend the purpose. Philippians chapter 1:15-16, “Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife.” And that's why when we were reading First Peter chapter three, Apostle Peter was saying to us that when we are contending for our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, we should do it in meekness and fear. That fear is not that we are afraid of the people we are speaking to; but it is Godly fear. So, he said in verse 15, Apostle Paul was saying to the Philippian church, some indeed preach Christ, even from envy and strive, and some also from goodwill: the former preach Christ from selfish ambition, (that is those that preach from envy and strife) he said when they preach, they preach not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains. Now, why is it important for us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? It is important to us because there is a purpose.


When we preach Christ; preaching Christ is purposeful, it must be done with good intention, there is a purpose. So, we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith so that we can defend the purpose. When we complain, that there are false teachers, false prophets, what are they saying to people? What are you also saying? Because if you are not speaking, then the false will continue to take centerstage. What are you doing about the falsehood? At least somebody is saying something, but you are quiet. The Bible says how will they believe if someone did not preach to them. So, the purpose for our Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is that men may believe. So, if you don't defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, you are nullifying the purpose. How will men believe, when they have not been preached to? So, defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith is preaching Christ; preaching the word.


Number Six: We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to expose the works of darkness. Ephesians chapter 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Why do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith to expose the works of darkness. You are seated somewhere and somebody is misquoting and wrongly explaining the Bible: you defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.  There was a young lady that was following Apostle Paul, and she kept saying, behold, the man of God!! Do you know if Apostle Paul did not turn and rebuke that lady; maybe, at some point, some group of people will now be consulting the girl that if you can see, that Apostle Paul is a man of God, then you can see our own future, and she was not doing it from the right spirit. So, Apostle Paul turned and rebuked the spirit in her. What was he doing? He was defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


When you cast out evil spirits, you are defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith by exposing them. That's what Ephesians 5:11 said, he said, and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, if he had stopped there: have no fellowship, that means we don't have any responsibility; but he says, but rather expose them.  Now, we will look at five (5) points on how to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Psalm 119:41-42, “Let your mercies come also to me, O LORD. Your salvation according to Your word. So, shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word.” How do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith?


Number One: It is by receiving salvation from the word. The reason we are saved, is to save others. The reason we have been taken out of darkness, is to show others light; then we would have failed if others are wallowing in darkness and we are shining in light. He said, with the same comfort in which you are being comforted, comfort others. The word that comforted you, use it to comfort others. The word that saved you, use it to save others: that's how to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. If God healed you, and you know somebody else is going through similar challenge; that's why the Bible says they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. The word of our testimony is the salvation we have from the word; according to the word we have being saved to save others. That’s how you will have an answer.


So, every time God gives us testimonies, via His word, He is giving us answers. So, what are you doing with the answers that God is giving to you? You know, for everything we overcome as a child of God is an answer. For every victory that you have in Christ Jesus is an answer. You used to be pressed down in the night when you sleep, and you have overcome by the word of God, you no longer fall into that oppression of the devil; that's an answer! There is somebody that has a question that requires the answer, you must be able to provide the answer: that’s defending the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Number Two: It is by using all Scripture. Second Timothy chapter 3:16-17, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. How do we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith? It is by using all Scripture. If we read Acts chapter 7:2-4, he said, brethren, and fathers listen, the God of glory appeared to our father, Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said to him, get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you, then he came out of the land. Verse 5, he said, and God gave him no inheritance in it, not even to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his descendants after him. If you read it down, you will realize that all Scripture; including the story of Abraham, including the story of Isaac, including the story of Jacob, including the story of Noah, including the story of Enoch, all through to the time of Jesus and the Apostles, they are answers that we have to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. We defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith by all Scripture; somebody comes to you and the person is barren, and the person is crying saying, is God not seeing me? You can share the story of Sarah, and the story of Elizabeth as exhortation; as a matter of convincing the person that God is Faithful. All Scripture helps us to defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith.


Number Three: By the teaching of the word we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. Second Timothy chapter 2:15 says; “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” By the teaching of the word we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith. So, this is a posture we must take, be diligent to present yourself approved to God; we must become a worker of the word. That’s how we defend the Faith on CentreNDL”>Faith, by being a worker of the word, and when you are a worker of the wo


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