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Crucifying The Flesh:

In this article, we'll be looking at something very instructive. We'll be looking at Crucifying the Flesh. Why is this very instructive? It is instructive to us because we are flesh and blood, and we have this inherent weakness within us called the flesh. And that is why it's important that we learn from this instructive message, ‘Crucifying the flesh’. The word; crucify, what does it mean? I'm sure many of us are conversant with the word crucifixion, how Jesus died on the cross; which was symbolic.


It is often said in our context here in Nigeria, that it is something that will kill a man: dying is dying, but in the context of Jesus; dying was not dying. He didn't die in a shipwreck. He did not fall off a cliff. He did not die from a disease. He did not die from hunger. He was crucified to a cross. And that's why the word crucify is important in the context of what Jesus has done for us. Why is this symbolic, the word crucify? I have two definitions here; to crucify is to put someone to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment. You see why Jesus could not die in our time. The reason is that, this punishment is no longer in our time. Jesus came in the time when there was punishment of dying by the cross. How do we know this? It was not only Jesus that was crucified. Jesus was crucified in the midst of two thieves; meaning that they crucify people normally, they didn’t institute it because Jesus was going to die. It had been in place and God knowing what He wanted to do, He had to put Jesus through this punishment: this ancient punishment of crucifixion.


We remember that on the right hand, there was a thief. On the left, there was a thief, and Jesus took the place of another thief that could have been hung called Barabbas. So, they nailed Him as though He was a thief, He was nailed to the cross. So, the word; crucify means to put to death someone by nailing or binding the person to a cross. The second definition: to crucify is to criticize someone severely, and unrelentingly. When something has become severe, that means the thing is harsh. So, crucify is not a mild word. The reason I'm going through this background is so that we understand the concept of crucify, before we go into crucifying the flesh.


To crucify is the harsh kind of death than when they stone someone, I'm not saying it's not a gruesome death, but I don't think the extent of it is as the person who is alive and you are nailing the leg, you are nailing the hand, and you are crucifying Him. It is harsh; it is difficult. So, in the context of this, we're now going to bring it to crucifying the flesh: so that we know that what we want to do to the flesh; is not that we're playing with the flesh. We're not playing hide and seek with the flesh, we're not saying flesh have your way. We're saying flesh you are alive, I know it, but I'm going to nail you. Flesh you are alive, I know it, but I'm going to bind you; Flesh you are alive and I know it, but I'm going to criticize you severely and unrelentingly; I won’t stop. We would be introduced a little bit, to this flesh that we are going to crucify by the grace of God. Galatians chapter 5:16-26,


“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another”.


I say then, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. So, the first concept we're introduced to is ‘the lust of the flesh’. For the flesh lust against the Spirit; the Spirit here, is in capital letter “S” talking about the Holy Spirit. We have been shown that the flesh have a defensive position against the Spirit. When the Spirit is the ruling party, the flesh will always be in opposition. And the Spirit against the flesh, so when the flesh is the ruling party, the Spirit will always stand in opposition. And these are contrary to one another (they don’t relate).


So, when the flesh is standing this way, the Spirit is standing the other way. You cannot bring agreement between the flesh and the Spirit. The flesh and the Spirit are not always in the same party. Flesh is always in another party while the Spirit is always in a different party. So, we must understand that they are contrary to one another. ‘So that you do not do the things that you wish’. So, this is telling us that, as a believer, don't think you are to do what you wish. Like saying, I just feel like smoking; it is not you, but the flesh; you are fulfilling the lust of the flesh. You can’t do what you wish as a believer; a party is directing your affairs with their ideologies and philosophy.


So, it is either you are in the party of the flesh, or you are in the party of the Spirit. If you are in the party of the flesh, you will fulfill the lust of the flesh. If you are in the party of the Spirit, the desires of the Spirit; you will do. The Bible says, for it is God that works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure; so, you are not doing what you wish. Don't ever think you are in charge. Don’t say it is my life I'm living: it is not true. There is one living that life through you; it is either the flesh or the Spirit. So, never think you are in charge; ‘I am the one running things’; you are running nothing. It is either Mr. Flesh is running things for you, or the Holy Spirit is running it. One party is running it for you. I'm not saying this out of my head, this is Scripture. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law (the Holy Spirit is the one controlling your affairs; you are not under the law).


Verse 19 says; “Now, the works of the flesh are evident”. These are the things that the flesh will run for you; which are adultery, fornication, etc. You want to know what you want to crucify, you want to understand how to crucify it, and you want to make sure that you criticize it. If you don't understand what you are criticizing, you can’t criticize it severely and unrelentingly; it takes understanding to be able to criticize. When we look at the political game that is going on in Nigeria, you will see that some political parties spend time, and they don't even know their own candidate as much as they know the opposition. They spend time to understand and understudy the opposition; What does he like? Let us go and verify it, and be sure to dismantle all the things that they are trying to verify. And they go all out to make sure that they know so much about him or her, so that they can criticize severely. If you don't understand the flesh, you can’t criticize it; because when the flesh shows up, you can’t identify it. You will think it is you showing up, but it is the flesh showing up. The reason many of us cannot crucify the flesh the way it should, is because we can’t identify it. The number one thing that helps you see flesh is that when flesh shows up, flesh will make you do what it wants you to do; and flesh will make you understand that this thing is for your own good.


Flesh will paint a lie, as though it is true. Flesh will make you see that you can’t do without. Flesh never glorifies God; because when we read the evident things in the flesh, none of it glorifies God. Flesh will always want to please your body. The voice of flesh is the voice of satisfy yourself, enjoy yourself to the fullest. Even if you hurt other people, you cannot kill yourself; that's the voice of the flesh. These are the passion of the flesh; these are the voices that the flesh shouts about. So, when you hear adultery, it is not really in the act of it; it is in you being dissatisfied with the woman that God has given to you. That's the voice of the flesh. So, adultery is not entirely in the act of sleeping with somebody that is not your wife or sleeping with somebody that is not your husband. It is the voice of the flesh saying; don't be satisfied with what you have: seek for another. This is what God has given to you, don't be satisfied with it; desire something that God has not given you: that is the voice of the flesh. It is not really about adultery; it is about dissatisfaction with the jurisdiction that God has placed you here.


All that we read in Galatians 5, was the same thing that happened to Eve in Genesis chapter three, when the devil came to Eve, and said; “Eve, has God indeed said?” What was the devil trying to create in Eve? The devil was trying to create dissatisfaction in Eve. What God has given to you, don't be satisfied with it. He said, don't mind God, how can you be satisfied with just one person? If God wants you to be satisfied with one person, why did He create several other people? Don’t mind God. Is it possible for you to be eating one food; won’t you be tired? Taste others: that’s the voice of the flesh; dissatisfaction with the jurisdiction of God. He said for this cause, a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh: that is what God ordained. And the devil says, after all, you're not marrying her; it is just for fun: you can't be eating yam and egg all the time and you won’t be tired, try beans and plantain, or try spaghetti and meatballs; variety is the spice of life: that creates a dissatisfaction.


The devil was all out to make Eve dissatisfied with the instruction of God. “Has God indeed said?” What was God thinking, when He said it? Let me tell you what He was thinking, He does not want you to enjoy like Him. He does not want you to see everything the way He sees it. He wants you to remain and have this myopic scope and thinking. Don’t you want to think like God? Don't you want to see everything? Don't you want to explore? Dissatisfaction: that's the voice of the flesh. That is why, in the fruit of the Spirit, there is an expression called self-control and longsuffering; another word for longsuffering is perseverance. Those are the things that God has put in place by His Spirit to checkmate dissatisfaction. The reason flesh is controlling you, is because you are allowing the flesh to control your dissatisfaction.


Also, covetousness is wanting to have what doesn't belong to you; because you want to have what does not belong to you, you put yourself into many troubles because of dissatisfaction. You scroll on your social media, and you see some people, they have traveled to Seychelles, they have traveled to Hawaii, they have traveled here and there; and you say God when? God why me? Do I look like I am made for suffering? Does it look as if Nigeria is my destination? Do I look like somebody that cannot travel too? And you become dissatisfied. Your rice and beans that you were eating with pleasure begins to irritate you. Why? The devil has started speaking through your flesh. What is the language? Dissatisfaction; you become dissatisfied with your now and lay hold on something God has not given to you. You no longer have that patience to wait, you are now eager to reach: that’s the voice of the flesh.


Verse 19 says; “Now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery, fornication, etc.”  (These are the kind of dissatisfaction that the devil speaks through our flesh.) It says; uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred: some people in the quest for power say, I just wish I can just look at someone like this and the person disappears. And in the quest for that, they go into sorcery and they meet someone that says I can help you, come; you want power, I know one Baba in Suleja, if you will go there; just tell him what you want. In fact don't say anything, just sit down. He'll give you some cowries, just rub it on your head and give it back to him; he knows what you want and he'll give you. You started with wanting to just look at someone and the person will disappear; then they start asking for your children, start asking for your womb, start asking for so many things and you are neck deep inside, because they have taken so much from you, you want to take so much from the world. And the wickedness that started as a seed has become a tree. Why? It is as a result of dissatisfaction.


Sorcery, hatred: you just don't know why you just hate the person; you just wish the person dies. And those are the things that attract the devil, that once he plants the seed and you fall for it; that’s it. And before you know it, he starts introducing things; things that you did not bargain for. Did Eve bargain that she will be naked? Did Eve bargain that God will send her out of the garden? No! The Bible says and she saw that the fruit was desirable. She saw. That’s how some people see; when the flesh arises, they say I can enjoy myself; I did not know that I have been living a boring life, this is fun. And you thought you will do it for a day; before you know it, you are neck deep into it. You see, the beginning is what you know; you don't know the end of it: you can't determine the end. That's what happened to Eve: she felt let’s just taste it, this fruit we've actually been passing it; every time we pass it and really my eyes have been looking at it: because the Bible says we are drawn in the areas where we have lust; we have been enticed, we have been looking, and questioning.


And that's why, to live the life that God has called us to, is not to question and analyze it. It is not for you to subject God's word to scrutiny and say, God, this thing you're asking us to do, can You just show me the seven reasons why I should do it? That's how it starts. Some will say, God, really this thing is not gelling with me. If what God is telling you to do is not gelling with you, then you are going to gel to somewhere else: because if what God told Eve and Adam gelled with them completely, the devil won’t gain ground. It starts from the devil gaining ground. Once he can gain ground in your heart, he starts with you just thinking that these people do not have two heads, why is my case different? See how they are enjoying, what's happening to such individual? It is dissatisfaction. You are no longer comfortable with where God has placed you. You are no longer comfortable with the instructions God has given to you. When you become uncomfortable with where you are right now: where God has placed you, you are saying indirectly to God; I am no longer comfortable with the destiny that You have for me: because it's about choosing a path.


The Bible says broad is the way, and many are found in it; but it has a destination. Everywhere has a destination. You can choose the way, but the destination has chosen you because you have chosen that way. You can’t say even though I like the destination in God, I don't like the way in God; it doesn't work like that. To like the destination is to like the way. You must make yourself fall in love with the way; to arrive at a destination, because the devil will make you think if only you can shortchange the path; if only you can cut corners. Is that not what he said to Jesus in Matthew chapter Four? He said, You came to collect all these things, let me give You: don't die, don't stress Yourself, let me just give You upfront; but Jesus was wise to know that whatever the devil gives to you, is not real and that is why we must be weary of responding to the dictates of the flesh.


Verse 20 says; idolatry sorcery, hatred, contention, jealousy, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions: ‘if I can just have money like Dangote’, ‘if I can just be rich like Otedola’. The question is; for what purpose? When you become richer, what will you do with the money? What will be your conviction? Imagine God just makes you rich overnight. Is it that God cannot do it? He can! He says silver and gold are Mine, a cattle upon a thousand hills are Mine; but the reason He can’t make you rich overnight is because He is a God of process and He is principled. He can't give you what will destroy you, and He can't give you something that will make you lose Him. When you are rich in God, then you can manage the riches of the world. When that is absent or deficient, the surplus of this will destroy that. Check it! If you become so wealthy suddenly, and you do not have a strong spiritual base; the devil will swift you. In fact he will shift your focus, he will destabilize you and it will be like a dream: and you say, is this me? Did I just do that? Yes, you did; because the flesh became more powerful than the Spirit.


Selfish ambition, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries and the likes of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in the time pass that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God: those that allow the flesh to use their life for practice cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. They will be unfit for the Kingdom; but, when you see “but”, it introduces you to the alternative, it introduces you to the answer, it introduces you to the best possible alternative. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering; when you look at these things, you will see satisfaction. When you are walking in love, you are walking as a satisfied soul. When you have joy, you are a satisfied soul. When you are in peace, you are satisfied. When you have long suffering, you are satisfied. Kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control: these are the nails that you can use to crucify the flesh.


Galatians 5:22-23, are the potent nails; the instruments of criticism against the flesh. Ask yourself; when I go into sorcery, will I lose my peace? Yes, nail it; crucify that flesh there and there. When I sleep with a woman that is not my wife, and it comes out; what happens to the joy in my home? Use that joy to nail it to the cross. When I have selfish ambition like king Solomon, who says whatever my eyes desire, I withheld it not from me. What does it mean? It means he lacked self-control. So, flesh was ruling king Solomon; no wonder he had seven (700) hundred wives and three (300) hundred concubines. So, averagely in a year, king Solomon will see a woman and all is bolt will lose; get her for me. You know the father, it is one woman that we know; he saw Abigail but he had self-control and allowed the husband to die, then went to possess her. The Bible recorded that king Solomon’s wives began to turn his heart from God; it was not gold and silver that turned his heart. His wives began to turn his heart from God because every wife he married brought their own god.


So, imagine the gods that were in Israel, courtesy the queen; so there were shrines everywhere: some would have made their room; the shrine. And they will call him darling, do you love me? You did not come and worship the god yesterday; it was our festival. And he will say, God, it is not my fault; I just want to prove to this woman that I love her: and he followed to worship her god. Imagine if king Solomon had just one wife; will he be going up and down? See, when we are asked to crucify the flesh, it is for our own good. The Bible says, let your eyes be single, and your body will be full of light. The reason light is missing in our lives is because the flesh is tossing us to and fro; we are carried away by every wind of doctrine; and that makes us do things that are displeasurable. That gets us into the zone of dissatisfaction; but the answer is to crucify the flesh.  


Verse 24, and those who are Christ’s; those whose eyes are single, have crucified the flesh. What was our definition for crucify? To crucify means to nail someone to the cross, i.e. To put it to death. When something is dead, the thing is no longer alive. There is no passion the thing can express; no desire the thing can express. So, every time flesh is trying to revive; what are we supposed to do? We are to crucify it again; criticize it severely. Men and women that have succeeded in crucifying the flesh are people that don't make excuse for the flesh.


Criticize it severely! Don't say, me, I can never do that. I can't even go there. My children were listening to a Sunday school rhyme and I didn't know when I started singing it. The song goes like this:

“Lord, You have my eyes, You have my little eyes, let it see only what You want it to see. Lord, You have my ears, my little ears, let it hear only what You want it to hear. Lord, You have my feet, my little feet, let it go only where You want it to go. Lord, You have my hands, my little hands, let it do only what you want it to do”. No excuse for the flesh. If you want to crucify the flesh; no excuse: don’t say, they are my friends, they just called me to hang out, I will not drink there, but you follow them to where they are drinking. You say, what is there; only you with about thirty drinkers. And you say, I'm going to change them, let me follow them there; it is there that I am going to preach to them, as they are drinking I'll be talking to them. You are lying to yourself and making excuse for the flesh.


So, those who are Christ’s; are you Christ’s? If you are Christ’s, then you have to crucify the flesh. The reason we must crucify the flesh is because we are Christ's. He owns us. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God; they are Christ's. So, we have a responsibility has those that belong to Christ. What is our responsibility? Our responsibility is to crucify the flesh; crucify the flesh with its passion. You have not seen the passion of the flesh: the flesh has a strong passion. How do I know? Declare a fast, let say God told you to fast three (3) days. The day you did not declare fast, you eat 12 o'clock and nothing will happen, you won’t even feel any upset. But the day you said you want to fast, as you just wake up in the morning; that stomach will just start and you say God, and I don't want to die. God you know it's not me, I don't know what's happening within my internal organs: it is Mr. Flesh, nothing is happening there. It is flesh! The flesh is speaking with its passion; my passion is food. How can you say today we will not eat? I will show you that I can speak and the language I'm speaking is this stomach that is turning you, it will look as if you want to die; but trust me, nothing will happen. Fast, nothing will happen. You won’t die. You will meet Mr. flesh in the evening and it will be very angry with you. So, you successfully fasted.


The flesh is also like a student, a servant; you must be it master. You are a disobedient student, and I must make you conform. Are we going to destroy our flesh? No, that's not the word. We are to crucify it with its passion. You can no longer be louder than the Spirit of God in my ears. Your voice can no longer control me. I tell you what to do, and you do it. If we crucify the flesh with its passion and desires; flesh has desire. For example, if you want to do a retreat; the flesh will complain about everything about the retreat. You can sit down and watch TV: season movie, 24 hours. When we now say we want to do word retreat, we even have break. You now sit down, then you will now be complaining, how can I sit down in one position and be hearing words from somebody who is standing and talking for a long period of time; but somebody is inside the TV running up and down and talking: you were not tired. Why? Mr flesh has desire, he wants to watch 24; not sermon.


Have you tried it before? Just put your TV on TBN when they are preaching. You will be looking at the time. This man is still talking? But let it be one thing that Mr. Flesh is comfortable with; it will not complain, and that's why we must crucify it to do the bidding of God; to do the will of God: Mr. Flesh must be crucified. You tell yourself I don't have time to study my Bible, it is Mr. Flesh telling you; you don’t have time: there is time. It is the desire of Mr flesh.


If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. If we are Christ’s, let us live our lives like that; by crucifying the flesh. I want to show us another Scripture in Colossians chapter 3:5, “Therefore put to death ‘this is another word for crucify’, your members which are on the earth: (put to death; is that not the same definition of crucify?). Put to death your members which are on the earth: see the explanation, fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”. Put to death your member; that’s the instruction for flesh. The Lord said we should put it to death; don't negotiate with flesh. See, let me just fast today, tomorrow I will not fast; then I will now fast the day after tomorrow. You are not told to negotiate with the flesh. You are told to put it to death. You are told to crucify it.


See the instructions about the flesh; Ephesians chapter 4:22, “That you put off (not put on), concerning your former conduct, the old man (the old man is the flesh) which grows corrupt (If you allow flesh to grow, it is going to continue to grow in corruption: that's why you must kill it; put it to death, crucify it: let the growth be stampeded) according to the deceitful lust”: the lust of the flesh. The lust is deceitful. It will look as if you are the one that wants it, but it is not true; it is flesh controlling you. You don't really want it because you are not in control. It says; let's enjoy ourselves, after all we are not the one that killed Jesus. This thing is not that difficult, just relax and enjoy yourself. Don’t injure yourself. This one is too much; don't you want to live long? How can you fast for seven days? Just do three days, whatever God wants to say: He can say it within three days; and the instruction is seven days. That is flesh at work. Don't think it is you trying to protect yourself; it is flesh making sure that it deceitful lust is fulfilled.


We've seen put to death, we've seen put off, and we've seen crucify. Let us see Romans chapter 6:6, “Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with; that we should no longer be slaves of sin”. Do away with flesh. Flesh is the body of sin, another word for flesh is old man; another word is body of sin. That it might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. That is why, when a child is born; the child is not taught to lie: the child lies. Who taught the child? Nobody, it is the flesh: it is an expression of the flesh. And the Bible says we should do away with it; you were born with it, but you must do away with it; that you should no longer be slave. Slaves do not have a say; they are being controlled, manipulated, and exerted upon. That's why when you get angry, and you say all that you’ve said; you now comeback. Me? Was it me that did all that? Yes, it was you but not really; Mr. Flesh did it through you. Why? You have not crucified it. You are still a slave of it.


Have you ever seen yourself get angry, and you tear your shirt, and you start fighting in public? Is it something you want to do? When it happens, really; is it you that did it? No, it is not you because it's not something you want or wish to do. You will find yourself doing what you wish not to do. That's what happens with flesh, and that’s why you must crucify it. It must not take control over you, you must control it. That's why the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. It is only in the Holy Spirit that you can have that fruit. You can enjoy that access, and you can enjoy that expression of self-control through the help of the Holy Spirit.


You think Jesus did not want to live a long life? Why did He go to the garden of Gethsemane and say, let this cup pass over me? He loved His disciples; He was enjoying time with them. He wanted to see Mary more. That's why when He resurrected, He still came to them: ate fish with them, He wanted to be around. But you see, there is a self in Christ that was controlled. That's why He said, nevertheless; not as I will, not as I desire, but Your will be done. The thing is, this is the battle that we are in, as long as we're in this flesh. The flesh is contrary to the Spirit. The Spirit is contrary to the flesh. And as long as that contrary battle continues, we will always be in the middle. That is why we must rise up to the occasion. When we rise up to the occasion, what do we do? We silence the flesh and allow the Spirit to lead. Then we would live a pleasant and enjoyable life. We will do those things that God Himself had wanted us to do. We will be able to do the good works.  


Lastly, Luke chapter 9:23, “Then He said to them all, if anyone desires to come after Me, (if you are Christ’s, anyone that comes after Christ as become His) let him deny himself. Another word to crucify the flesh is to deny the flesh; deny the flesh of its passion, deny the flesh of its desires, deny the flesh of the things that the flesh is craving for. Jesus said let him deny himself and take up his cross. What is on the cross that you are taking? It is a crucified flesh.  Did Jesus say that we should take it up occasionally? Is that what is in our Bible? Is it to take up his cross yearly? When it is Easter period, take up your cross and when it is Christmas period; drop it. Then take it again when it is the Easter period. Is that what we're saying?


He said take his cross daily. So, the work of crucifying the flesh is a daily assignment. There must be something that you are nailing on the cross that you are taking daily. You say, Lord today, I was supposed to eat fufu and egusi this morning; and you said I should fast. My desire for fufu and egusi, I've nailed it and I carry it and I follow You in obedience. Today, the money that I was supposed to spend, I saw somebody in need, and You led me to give to that person. Even though I could have bought a new pair of shoe with it and be looking fancy. I nailed that pair of shoe to the cross, and I carry it and I follow You: It is daily.


Some of us, the problem we're having with flesh is because we want to crucify it once and for all; it doesn't work like that. No! The instruction of Jesus is for us to take up our cross daily. If it could be done once and for all; He would have said it. He said take up your cross daily and follow Me. That's why the Scripture says looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith: what was the example? For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross. He carried the cross; enduring it, and He despised the shame.


It will look as if you are not woke. It will look as if you're not happening. It will look as if you are slow. Those are the shame you must despise for the joy. That's why I said this message is instructive. Not just for you listening, but also for me that is bringing the word. We must take up our cross daily. There must be something you are nailing to that cross. There must be the passion of the flesh; the desire of the flesh, the lust of the flesh that is surfacing somewhere that you are going to criticize severely by nailing it to the cross. Strip it of all desires, strip it of all passion, strip it of all deceitfulness that it has brought into your life; nail it to the cross and follow Him.


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