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Creations, Creatures and the Creator: Discover the Mentality of the Creator in Relation to His Creations

Hi people. It’s Lara Gboyega Adedeji. In this piece, we will be considering by the help of the Holy Spirit the concept of Creations, Creatures and The Creator. So, we are looking at the concept of creations. When we refer to creations what does it talk about, what does it mean? Who are the creatures and the creator? Even though our major emphasis is on the creator, we will be looking at the interactions that happen between the creator, the creations and the creatures. We are going to start from Genesis 1, that’s where we will start our observation from, where the creator started working and was mentioned first in the Scriptures. Genesis chapter 1 verse 1-3 and pause, then we read other chapters. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” If we are going to look at that verse 1 alone, when the beginning is mentioned, it talks about the start of a thing.  So, when the whole concept of creation was going to start, God already exist.


Meaning that God was before the beginning. “In the beginning God created”, and the first thing He created was territories. What He created was realms. So, God created the earth and the heavens. Why was it the first thing that God created? So, from Genesis 1 verse 1, there is no argument to the fact that God is the creator. That God created, makes Him the creator. So, we are introduced to the being, the deity, the personality called God who is the creator. God created the heavens and the earth, the heavens in plural, but the earth in singular. The heavens and the earth. So, God created territories, domains and realms. And when God did this, establishing the same fact that God is the creator, I want us to go to other Scriptures that also give credence or understanding to what happened in Genesis 1 verse 1.


Let’s see Psalms 124 verse 8. Because, our emphasis this morning is on the interaction or the interplay of the creator, His creation and creatures. The Bible says: “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made” another word for the creator is “The Maker.” Who made heaven and earth. So, there is no doubt about the fact that God made the heavens and the earth, that He created these realms, domains and territories. I want us to establish that. But why did God start with creating domains? Why didn’t God start other things? Why was He creating domains and territories first? One of the things we saw in Genesis 1:1, is that God created the heavens and the earth, then verse 2 says; the earth was without form. The earth that was created by God was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. That was how the earth was. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


When this was the present situation of the territory, the domain, the realm that God created, God said; what I am looking at as a maker, creator; I am not pleased with it, it is not good. Remember we are trying to understand the creator. Because this Genesis 1 let us into who the creator is, His thinking, His mentality, how He approaches issues, matters, how He came about His creations and His creatures. So, when this situation was before God, the Bible says in verse 3 “then God said.” The situation was prevalent; the situation was existing. Then God said! God was not in denial. The creator was not in denial, He did say the earth is without form and void, He did not say how can I God created something and it’s not perfect. God was not in denial.


Then God said; “let there be light and there was light.” Because we are looking at the mentality of the creator. And God saw the light, God was not oblivious to the fact that what He said materialized. “Then God saw the light and it was good.” He appraised what He did. He evaluated it. That this is good. And God divided the light from the darkness. Meaning God was also not in denial that even though He introduced the light, darkness existed. God said I am going to divide the light from the darkness. “And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.” He called what He created. Remember in verse 2 the earth was without form and was void; empty. And God introduced light. Even though God introduced light, there was prevalent darkness. And God separated the light from the darkness, He called the light day. He separated the existence of both. He called the light day and the darkness He called night, so the evening and the morning were the first day.




#1. The creator which is God is a God that knows that His creations and creatures will not exist in vacuum, they must exist in a context of a realm, a domain and a territory. That’s why God created the earth and the heavens. Because we are looking at this so that we can appreciate Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, when God said “let us make man in our image according to our likeness.” So that you will understand the one you are made in His image and in His likeness, you must understand His mentality, you must understand His thinking, you must understand how He operates so that you can copy Him. When they were reading the genealogy of Adam, the Bible called Adam the son of God. If Adam is called the son of God, it means that God gave birth to him. Adam was God’s offspring and if we the race of human kind, through Adam, because though Adam sin came and every one following the step of Adam is going to be in sin, so there is a last Adam. So, the first Adam is the one God made in Genesis 1:26, the last Adam that came to save and rescue us; that was Jesus Christ.


Let us look at Adam in the context of Adam that has not fallen. Adam is the son of God, the offspring of God. Why is Adam called the offspring of God? Because, God gave birth to Him. You will now ask; how did God give birth to Him? God created Him, so, whatever God creates, He calls. That is why God could call the light day, and the darkness night, because He created it and their names don’t change. Why did God call them? Because they have a function? I will implore us to read the entire Genesis 1 and we will see how deliberately God created the entire creation. What God does not want you to do, He will not call you to do it. I want us to see a verse because I love that. That same Genesis 1 verse 16, “Then God made.” Remember the maker is the creator. “Then God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.”


He is the one that calls day, day; He is the one that calls night, night. He then created light to rule what He has created. He made the stars also. And let’s see that verse 17; “God sets them in the firmament of the heavens.” To do what? What is their purpose? To give light on the earth, not in the heaven and to rule over the day and over the night, to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good. Don’t think because God wanted them to fill space that’s why every time the Scripture says “and God saw that it was good.” God evaluates what He has done. The reason why it is always appearing, is that God saw it was good. God made this and He saw that it was good. Because God will always evaluate what He has done.


So, we are looking at the mentality of the creator, the creator is the one that makes and we also saw in Genesis 1 that the creator is the one that calls. So, He creates, He makes and He is the one that calls. And when He calls, it’s for a purpose. That’s the creator, He calls for a purpose. And what is His mentality? The mentality of the creator is that He evaluates everything that He makes. And God saw that it was good. Another word we can use to replace and God saw that it was good is that God was satisfied with what He had made. God was satisfied with the decision He had taken. God was pleased with what He has executed. That’s the creator. So, the creator predates creations, He is the one that creates, makes, call and names.


Another thing about the mentality of the creator; remember we mentioned that the creator creates realms, domain, territories for a purpose. He created the seen and the unseen, He created the visible and the invisible. Which one is the invisible? The heavens. Which one is the seeing? The earth. Now, why did He do that? We are going to look at it. It is important we know this; God made two distinctions between territories, there is a territory called the heavens, the invisible, unseen and He created the earth visible and seen. The understanding of this will help us to understand that when God started creating, He created creatures for both realms, for both territories. Because somebody will ask; how did the angels come to be, how comes they are living creatures in heaven? Because God populated the territories.


So, the creator names His creations and allows them to have unique and distinct expressions. So, the sun is one sun, the moon is one moon. Even though their shapes look alike, they don’t do the same thing. He created them for two distinct purposes giving two distinct expressions. Even though God created both of them, their assignment, their purpose was not the same, and is not the same. So, God names His creations and He gives them unique and distinct expressions. So, God created and put content in all of the territories that He had made. I want us to see that Genesis 1 and we will read from verse 20. Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, this is where creatures start coming into play. And let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”


So, when you look at the sky and you see birds flying, it is because they have been created by the creator to do what they are doing and they are obeying the instructions of the creator. Have you seen birds swimming in the water? God said “let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmaments of the heavens.” That is their allocation. God allocated them their location and we will see why this is important for us to understand. Verse 21, “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. It’s not tautology, God evaluated the birds, the sea creatures, and God blessed them saying; be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas and let birds multiply on the earth.”


No matter how much we wish that all bats on the earth die, they will obey God and continue to multiply and fly in the sky even though you don’t like them. Because they must obey the commands of the creator. Did you see how ugly vultures are, how we don’t like them, they must obey the word of the creator. What did He say? Let birds multiply. That’s why when God told Noah that Noah should pick animals into the ark God was not worried about how animals will reproduce themselves on the earth even though He had destroyed many of them. Because He knows what He has set in motion from the beginning, the word He has spoken from the beginning they will not disobey it.


So, the evening and the morning were the fifth day. verse 24; Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.


God looked upon what He had made and He was pleased. He was contented, He was satisfied. So, how did God fill the earth? He filled the earth by creating creatures. God created a domain, a territory and God filled it with creatures. And we will understand why He did that. Why does God evaluate His work?

#1. God is not aloof with His work. God does not stand aloof, whatever you want to become just become I am watching you. No! God is not like that. He evaluates at each phase to see the value added. The difference made and the contributions it has provided. Does it fit, is it suitable? Do the sea creatures fit to His plan on the earth? He will look at it. Are the castles fit, are they suitable for the thing I created them to be suitable for? That’s why when you look at the works of the hands of our God, they are perfect.


Have you seen a mountain situated somewhere and you feel the mountain should not be there? It’s just a beautiful landscape, it just blends, it just works. When the rivers are located where they are its just perfect because when God created them, He looked at them and it was good. He evaluated them and they were just suitable, they were just at the right place. That’s the mentality of the creator. He looks at the suitability of what He makes. How they fit, how they align, how they fit into the ground picture of what He has in His mind.


#2. The creator looks up the potentials within a creation to produce a product. You know why that is important? God said to the sea, let the waters abound, He created the waters, He knew the waters has the potentials of producing creatures that are suitable for it. He said let the waters abound. Have you seen any creature in the sea that cannot cope with that habitation? They are just perfect for it, that’s their domain. Have you seen an animal on the land that is not suitable for the land and it’s there? No! God looked at the earth, He looked at the waters, and He asked them to produce what is habitable for them. So, God looks up a potential within a creation, to produce other creatures to maximize their own relevance and purpose.


So, the waters responded to God, the earth responded to His own potential according to the word of the Lord. The waters responded to their own potential according to the word of the Lord. And when God wanted them to perpetuate their existence, God blessed them. Anything that God wants to continue, He blesses. Because you will look at the sun, and wonder why didn’t God bless the sun to be fruitful and multiply? Do you know how many suns we would have had? But God set the sun, one sun. He didn’t bless it, He didn’t say be fruitful, one sun, one moon. God blesses the creatures that He wants to perpetuate. 


He wants them to continue to exist and multiply. That’s why when He created the sea creatures, He blessed them, He said be fruitful, multiply. And when we got to Genesis 1 verse 26, then God said; let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over all the earth, over everything that creeps on the earth. So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them.  I want you to perpetuate, I want you to continue to exist. As long as the earth remains there would be animals in it, as long as the earth remains there would be sea creatures, there would be living creatures because God has blessed them.


As long as the earth remains, man will be on the face of the earth, because God has blessed them. Because you will think if it’s the wish of the devil should we be having more men? The reason the devil caused Cain to kill Abel is because if Abel dies, God will have no other man calling upon His name. but did he succeed? No! because God blessed man. He said be fruitful, multiply fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea. I have blessed the fish of the sea so that you will always have fish to dominate, I have blessed the birds of the air so that you will always birds; generations upon generations of birds, your great grandfather saw bird and dominated, children after you will see birds to dominate. Why? Because God blessed it. And over everything that moves on the earth have dominion. Because God has blessed it. So, every creature that the creator wants to perpetuate He blesses.


Verse 31 of Genesis 1, when God has created everything, it says; “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeedincluding man here. God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was good. When the word indeed is used, it is used to qualify the degree of goodness. And indeed, it was very good. This statement in verse 31 shows perfection. There was nothing that was not suitable. There was nothing that was not were its supposed to be. That’s how the creator creates. “Indeed, it was very good, so the evening and the morning were the sixth day and God has finished His work.” He looked at everything He made and it was perfect. The Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from God, comes from the creator. There is nothing He has done that is not perfect, there is nothing He has made that is not perfect.


When God made the earth, it was perfect, He looked at the earth and it was indeed very good. He looked at the heaven and indeed very good. So, Gods final evaluation was done. It’s the perfection of His creation. Genesis 2 verse 1. “Thus, the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.” This is why I said God made two realms and He filled both of them. I want us to read that Genesis 2 verse 1 again. It says thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished. So, while the Lord was creating the earth, He was stocking up the heavens, He was creating beings. We are not privy to the things He created in heaven, our own concern is the earth. If you go to Revelations, you will see the terrific beings that God created in heaven. You will see how the entire place is filled with precious stones. He created them, nobody created heaven for God, He created it.


The Bible says thus the heavens and the earth and all the host; all the content, all the inhabitants of both realms were finished. So, on this same sixth day, God did not create anything in heaven again. Because the Bible says in verse 2, and on the seventh day God ended the work which He has done both in heaven and on earth. And He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. So, God perfected His creations in six days, it was finished. And when God finished everything, He had created what did the Bible say God did? Genesis 2 verse 8; “The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.”


What did God do? After God perfected the earth, He handed it over to man to be His caretaker. God handed it over to His creature, God handed perfection, there was no problem with the earth when God handed it over to man. And that is why the Bible makes us to understand that the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the manifestation, the revealing of the sons of God. You will ask why? Because man is still saddled with the responsibility to tend and keep to perfection the creation of God on the earth. Yes! Man still has that responsibility. The gifts and the callings of God are without repentance. Every man is given that mandate; Genesis 1 verse 26. It’s still hanging on every man just like its hanging on every bird, every sea creature and every living creature. The creator, the maker is the builder. Hebrews 3 verse 4; “For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.” Did you see some things? The one who builds all things, the one who makes all things, the one who creates all things is God. Somebody will ask, did God create airplane? Did God create the chair that I am sitting on this morning?


God had put the potential of the chair in man. There is nothing that man is making today that is a shock to God. Because the potential to make it, God had locked it up in that creation. When the waters were there, God said let the waters abound. He knew the potential of the water to produce sea creatures. He knew the potential of the land, the earth to produce the four footed beast. Because locked up in every creature of God is a potential to make, and as long as the maker of the thing is the maker, He has full right to everything, every potential unlocked by the creature. So, it’s a fool that will say in His heart there is no God. Who gave you the chair you are sitting on? Who gave you everything you are enjoying today? God! Because God locked it up when He created you.


So, this Scripture is so valid. He wo builds all things is God. Both visible and invisible. The builder of all things is God. Colossians 1:16, we are establishing the truth so that we can know how to acknowledge the creator. The interplay is so solid that we cannot allow ourselves to be ignorant of how we were made and who made us. Because the devil wants us to forget. “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or [e]principalities or [f]powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” The birds were created for Him, the earth was created for Him, the heavens were created for Him. Through Him and for Him. You were not created for yourself, why the creator created you is for Him. So, He cannot create you and you will now declare independence from Him.


No! you were created through Him and for Him. Psalm 121 verse 1-2. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Why does my help come from Him? Because God is resourceful. God is the only creator in all of the heavens and all of the earth that is as resourceful as He is. Your help cannot come from men. How resourceful are men? But God the creator is so resourceful. Isaiah 40:28 shows us how resourceful God is. This is why your help must come from the creator. “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.” He is the only one that created all that He created in six days and He did not faint and He is not weary. “His understanding”; His ability to comprehend is unsearchable. Do you know mankind is still looking for different species of animals that have been created by God and people are still doing research? And He created all in six days.


Do you know there are some galaxies that they are still trying to search that exist? Men are still researching and God created all and more in six days. His understanding is unsearchable; that’s how resourceful God is. So, why should your help come from man? When your creator is this resourceful. Amos 9:6, we can begin our read from verse 5 but this verse 6 is important. “He who builds His layers[d] in the sky, And has founded His strata in the earth; Who calls for the waters of the sea, And pours them out on the face of the earth—The Lord is His name.” He builds His layers in the sky. That’s how resourceful God is. The Bible says the heavens, the highest heavens belong to God, and the earth He has given to the children of men. Which man can hand an entire planet to someone? Who is that resourceful? Nobody!


God is the one that is so big that He can look and give you man an entire planet and say tend and keep it. The highest heavens belong to God, the earth He has given, He has handed over to the children of men. Its only God that can do that. So, in responding to the creator, what must we do as His creatures? How do we respond to this resourceful, magnificent, fantastic creator of the ends of the earth? How do we relate with Him? How do we do it? Proverbs 3 verse 5. This is like a summary of it then we will now break it down. The Bible says; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do you know why it has to be all your heart? He is the only one that you can trust with all your heart. Because before you were ever born conceived, thought about; He existed. And you existed in Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; And lean not on your own understanding; because it is limited.


Your understanding is limited. I don’t care if you have a Ph.D. from Harvard, you have gone to become a professor in oxford, your understanding is limited, lean not on your own understanding. Lean on the understanding of the one that is unsearchable; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, acknowledge Him as the creator, the builder, the maker, the sustainer, as the source; And He shall direct your paths.”




#1. Worship Him. Psalm 95 verse 26. “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Worship Him, let us kneel before the Lord our maker, He is the one that made us, He is our owner, our master, worship Him. Isaiah 45 verse 9, these Scriptures are so important that’s why I am taking time for us to look at them. So that you are not cajoled to worship the creator. Nobody should cajole you to worship God. “Woe to him who strives with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth! That’s the level, Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?” The reason you must worship God is that you acknowledge He is the one that made you. Any man that does not worship God is striving with God.


When you refuse to worship it’s because you are striving, there is pride in your heart. Your heart is lifted. And that’s what happened to the devil, His heart became lifted, to worship God became a problem, He wanted to be like God. The creature wanted to be like the creator. If there is no strive in your heart you will acknowledge Him, you will worship Him. That you standing on your two feet, He made it possible. With the blast of His nostrils, this whole earth can collapse, that’s how resourceful He is. Revelations 5:13. “And every creature which is in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and such are in the sea, and all that are in them I heard saying-worshipping, blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sit on the throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever.”  Every creature was made through Him and for Him.


You are made to worship Him. So, every day of our lives we must be saying something in worship to God. Do you know when God wanted to show Jonah how resourceful He is, He caused a tree suddenly to sprout, and Jonah sat under it, He was feeling good. Suddenly God caused it to dry up and Jonah became angry and God was asking Him; why are you angry? Did you make it? And that is to show the foolishness of men.


#2. Fear Him and Reverence Him. I want us to see Mathew 4 what Jesus did to the devil. Matthew 4 verse 8 to 10. Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, [b]“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’

Did the devil create you? Did man create you? Him only you shall serve. When the devil knew he could not get worship out of Him, the devil left Him. Until we acknowledge the creator, until our heart is filled with reverence for the creator, because reverence will make you serve Him. You don’t know what to do with yourself when you are in awe of somebody, whether to bow or to kneel, Lord what do you want me to do for you? We must constantly be in awe of God. Reverence! Not the fear that brings torment, but fear that cause you to serve Him with no reservation. Its a posture where you say my God you are too resourceful what can I do for you today? That’s how we interplay, that’s how we connect with the creator. So, number one worship Him, number two fear Him and reverence Him, which will lead to your serving Him.


#3. Serve Him. Jeremiah 5:22. Do you not fear Me?’ says the Lord. ‘Will you not tremble at My presence, who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, yet they cannot prevail, though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it.” ‘By a perpetual decree’; who has a perpetual decree on the earth? Nobody except God. Because once one administration goes and another comes; they repeal it. But Gods administration never goes away. It’s a perpetual decree. Perpetually He has decreed for the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night and they don’t declare strike, they obey and God is saying do you not fear me? Will you not tremble at my presence? All these mindsets we used to have about God being our errand boy, God I am giving you 21 days, if you don’t do this one, I will do this one. Who are you? He is the creator; do you not fear Him?


#4. Obey Him.  Job 38 verse 10 to verse 11.  God was responding to Job when He was questioning God. God was revealing His omnipotence to Job and He got to this verse 10, He said; When I fixed My limit for it, and set bars and doors;11 When I said, ‘This far you may come, but no farther, and here your proud waves must stop!’ 12 “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, And caused the dawn to know its place, 13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked be shaken out of it?” God was asking Job, since you were born have you commanded the morning? He said the seas obey me, the wind obey me, the sun moon and stars obey me, why won’t you? Obey Him.


Proverbs 8:29. “When He assigned the sea its limits; there is a reason why we are using the sea, because God repeated it several times. So that the waters would not transgress His command, When He marked out the foundations of the earth” you can read it from verse 22 particularly; talking about how the mountains obey Him, how the seas obey Him, how the hills obey Him, how creation obey Him, how creatures obey Him, we must obey Him. This is how we acknowledge the creator in obedience. We worship Him, we reverence Him to the point of service, and we obey Him.


If the stars obey Him, if the moon obey Him, if the mountains obey Him, if the hills obey Him, so you will obey Him. If He is your creator, if He is your maker, you will obey Him. And what is the command of God to you? What is the Lord saying to you and I? Genesis 1 verse 26, this is the command. Every purpose we have received from God is in this command. Genesis 1:26, let them have dominion. Before the blessing, this is the instruction to man, we are making you in our likeness, let them have dominion. You must obey Him. Dominion is not a choice for man it’s a point of obedience. You must obey Him. He said to the sun, rule over the day, to the moon; rule over the night. To man He said let them have dominion.


You will be a disobedient son if you don’t have dominion. Because this is the instruction of the creator. Dominion is not a choice. Dominion is not a choice, it’s not something you are thinking about, dominion is the word of God to you that you must obey. It’s the instruction of the creator to His creature-man; have dominion. So, we must obey Him. To what end did He make you in His image and likeness? To have dominion. We must obey Him.


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