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CAMA 2020: If Government Controls The NGOs & Churches, Who Then Controls Government?

As at this day, there is an "august" battle raging between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Non-Governmental Organizations across Nigeria over the new CAMA 2020 law. The FG is claimed to be fighting corruption in the system; and therefore wants to exercise some control (checks) over the NGOs and Associations. The imminent question in the heart of many Nigerians is therefore; should the FG successfully control the NGOs (including Churches and CSOs), which group or body will then control the government?


Another matter we must probe is, "Can the FG led by President (General) Muhammadu Buhari provide oversight for organizations outside their power and authority?" If democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people; are the people of Nigerians asking the FG to control the NGOs on their behalf? Can the people of Nigeria, who faithfully FOLLOW the leaders of these NGOs then ask the FG to control those they FOLLOW? Something must be fishy somewhere – we just can't figure it out yet.


Power they say corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If the Federal Government of Nigeria, under the control of General Muhammadu Buhari does not want to become absolutely corrupt; I believe they shouldn't be seeking for absolute power. If the ultimate power and authority in every democracy lies with the people; it is only logical that the government, which is a representation of the "will" and "wishes" of the people should be true to its calling (except the government is not a true democratically formed one, just as we have in Mali right now)


The NGOs (Associations, CSOs and Churches) are expected to be pressure groups that shape the direction of governance in any sane society (nation); but a situation where the government seeks to control (pressurize) those that are meant to pressurize them without fear or oppression; then we may simply be calling for lawlessness in a country, polarized and heated as ours.


I believe with the consistent pressure from across the tables; the FGN will reconsider their decision before it is too late and amend the (CAMA 2020) law that seek to make them gods on earth – but since only the LORD God must be worshiped; the FGN may end up fighting the LORD while seeking for more powers beyond their reach. I rest my case for now!



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