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WOMB: The Birthing of God on The Earth

In this piece, we will be looking at Womb: The Birthing of God on The Earth. The Holy Spirit wants to take us on a journey where we understand how God birth His agenda on the earth. Whenever God wants to do something great, whenever God wants to do anything at all on the earth; how He makes it happen, the process that makes it happen, the process that makes it a reality. So, the consideration will be around the definition of what womb is and what goes on in the womb. So, let's start with the definition of what womb is; and I want to take us to a Scripture in Isaiah chapter 66:7-9.


“…before she was in labor, she gave birth, before her pain came, she delivered a male child, who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to children; shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery? Says the Lord, shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? says your God.”


Now, God was communicating something important here in Isaiah chapter 66. He was describing how He is going to vindicate Zion. He was describing how He was going to deliver Zion, how Zion will be set free. And when He was describing the process, God said before she was in labor, she gave birth. No one can be in labor if the person is not pregnant. Labor is for those that are pregnant; it is a process that is initiated for delivery. So, when we talk about the womb, and God now mentioned in verse nine, He said, shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb meaning that the activities I'm talking about here happens in the womb. So, the womb is a very vital organ, or a very vital place of God's making.


So, in contemporary terms, what is womb? The womb is the organ in which the young are conceived in biological terms, where a fertilized egg is implanted, and growth or development takes place until birth. That's like a comprehensive definition of what happens in the womb. So, womb is the organ or the place where something or a young or an offspring or a baby or a fetus as you may want to put it, are conceived. So, number one is conception, when we want to describe womb, what happens there; the first thing that is relevant for our conversation is conception: Conception takes place in the womb. So, if it is not a fertilized egg, it is not going to be implanted.


Number two is that growth takes place or development. And that growth and development takes place for a period, called the period of pregnancy. For human beings is a nine-month period, or a 40 weeks period where the woman carries the fertilized egg or what was implanted in the womb for a period and what happens in the period is called growth or development. Then something happens after growth and development has taken place; something is triggered, called delivery. When growth has taken place, when development has taken place for the period, there must be a birthing. That birthing or delivery is what God was speaking about in verse 9 of Isaiah chapter 66. He says, Shall I bring to the time: So, for birthing, it is about a time. Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery?


So, what happens in the time of birth is delivery. You must deliver when you have come to the time of birth. We'll see how this is all relevant as we look at the Scriptures. So, God now said, Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? Meaning that will I not cause conception to take place in the womb for Me to bring to the time of birth and cause delivery? Can you deliver what has not been conceived? It's not possible. If conception has not taken place, there cannot be pregnancy. If pregnancy has not taken place, there cannot be birth or delivery. So, all these three processes are the critical things we want to see. So, the principal function of the womb is to house and nurture a growing baby or a growing thing. So, what are the significant things that we've mentioned? We've spoken about conception, we've spoken about pregnancy, and we’ve spoken about birth. Now let us see the significance of these and how God mentioned them and the relevance of it to our lives and destiny.


The first one we talked about is conception. What happens in conception? I want us to go with me to Isaiah chapter 44:2, “thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you. Fear not O Jacob My servant and you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.” Thus says the Lord who made you, where did He make you? And formed you because if we had stopped there, we won’t understand the process. He said and formed you from the womb. So, what happens in the womb is formation. He formed you from the womb, so formation happens in the womb. I want us to see Hosea chapter 12:3, “he took his brother by the heel in the womb, and his strength he struggled with God.” Now he's talking about Jacob. If you go to Genesis chapter 25, you will see another significance of what happens in the womb.


When Rebecca was pregnant, she was disturbed. She said, something is happening in her womb, she doesn't understand: She went to God. And God said to her, there are two nations in your womb, ‘so that we will understand that what God does in the womb is significant’. He said, there are two nations in your womb, and He made us to understand; He said, the elder will serve the younger son, God instituted it from the beginning. The one that comes first is the elder, the one that comes after is the younger, even though they are twins. He said, the elder one, so whoever comes first out of the two of them, will serve the one that comes after: the younger; in the words of God. And the Bible says that Jacob, because that was what He informed his name, held unto the heel of Esau when they came out.


So, what happened in the womb? Formation! Esau did not come out, and start operating or becoming a man different from how he was formed in the womb, Jacob did not come out being a different man from who He was in the womb. So, formation takes place in the womb. So it was that story that Hosea was saying in this Hosea chapter 12:3. He said, he took his brother by the heel in the womb, it was not when Esau came out that Jacob now held unto his heel in the womb. And in his strength, he struggled with God, that became his character because formation had taken place in the womb. Let's see what David said in Psalm chapter 139:13-16; these are Scriptures attesting to the fact that formation happens in the womb. The Bible says:


“For you formed my inward parts, you covered me in my mother's womb, I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret (Even though it was not seen, the formation was done. Even though it was not evident to all, God was working). He said when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest part of the earth, Your eyes saw my substance been yet unformed. And in Your book, they all were written, the days fashioned for me when as yet they were none of them.”


So, David was attesting to it, as inspired by the Holy Spirit that God formed him from the womb. Scientist have created a means to which you can visualize what goes on in the womb; from week to week, and they tell you that gradually formation is taking place from internal organs. Now you can see that something is covering them, that you can see physical features as of a man; but it did not start like that. For every man or woman, God forms and that formation is the significance of what happens in the womb. We're going somewhere in this piece and please follow carefully. Formation happens in the womb.


Let's see how Job puts it in Job chapter 3:10-13,


“…because it did not shut up the doors of my mother's womb, nor hide sorrow from my eyes. Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb? Why did the knees receive me? Or why did the breast, that I should nurse? For now, I would have lain still and been quiet. I would have been asleep, then I would have been at rest.”


Job was communicating something to God. He said You did not shut the doors of the womb, if you go through Scriptures; example is Rachel, it says and God shut her womb and because Leah was maltreated, and Rachel was loved, God opened the womb of Leah and shut the womb Rachel. How did God do that? God made sure that conception does not take place; because the opening of the womb, is that conception is actualized or realizable. If a womb has been shut; conception cannot take place, meaning formation cannot take place. So, the significance of the happenings in the womb is that number one, there is conception.


Another thing that happens in the womb is that there is birth. I want us to see John chapter 3:4, “Nicodemus said to Him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb? So, Nicodemus had an understanding, for somebody to be born, for birth to take place, the person has to go back into the womb. So, without the womb, there can't be a birthing; that is the significance of the womb. And we've read Isaiah 66:7-9 before where the Bible talks about where God was speaking, He said, will I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery? So birthing is one significant thing that happens in the womb. And I've mentioned conception. So, this is what will introduce us into the third thing or significance of the womb: Conception. Another word I use for it is endowment, endowment or conception. All these things we're conversing about is important because we're going to now look at a case study. What really happens in our lives? How do we actually birth God on the earth?


So, let's see Luke chapter 1:41, “And it happened when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In actual sense, it was John the Baptist, that was filled with the Holy Spirit, but what happens to the carrier, happens to the one that is carried. So, God endowed John the Baptist with the Holy Spirit from the womb. So, endowment can happen in the womb. Let's see First Samuel chapter 1:5-6, “But to Hannah, he will give a double portion, for the LORD loved Hannah, although the LORD had closed her womb. We had discussed about this earlier that what happens when God closes the womb. All the women in Scripture that God shut their womb or closed their womb; it is because God does not want conception to take place. And her rival also provoked her severely to make her miserable because the LORD had closed her womb. If this was not relevant, it will not be scripted: because the LORD had closed her womb.


So, the womb is a channel or a place through which God or what God wants to birth on the earth happens. Why did God close the womb of Hannah? A Samuel was to be born, the first one that will open the womb, and God needed a prophet. And He needed a womb that He had dedicated or consecrated to Himself. So, God shut the womb of Hannah, so that there would be prophet Samuel. God shut the womb of Elizabeth, so that there will be John the Baptist. God shut the womb of Manoah’s wife, so that there will be Samson. So, you will see that the womb and what God wants to do are closely related, God does nothing on the earth except through a womb; that's what I realize. 


So, we're going to look at two case studies, bringing it home to our individual lives, and how we can birth the agenda of God on the earth. Number one is a case study of Mary, Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Luke chapter 1:26-38. “Now, in the sixth month, (remember the six month talks about the month where Elizabeth had conceived John the Baptist,) the angel Gabriel was sent by God; the reason why I'm emphasizing the six month is so that we understand that when it comes to the womb, there's something called divine timing. There are times we pray, and we are praying, God make it happen; do this on the earth, and God is looking at you: what you are asking for, is in the womb. And there's a time, when the time of birth has not come, there won't be delivery. No matter how much you pray, if the time of birth has not come, there will not be delivery. So, there is a divine timing.


As much as Elizabeth had stayed a long time without a child, she was not going to be pregnant until God was ready to release Jesus; because the difference between the time John the Baptist will come on the scene, and Jesus will come on the scene should be six months. The angel did not appear before the six months, the angel did not appear after the six month; he said now, to tell you about the specificity of divine timing. Now in the sixth month, the exact time as calculated by heaven; the angel Gabriel was sent in the sixth month by God to a city of Galilee, named Nazareth to a virgin, see specificity. God sent the angel, not an angel but the angel, who is angel Gabriel? Angel Gabriel is the angel that stands in the presence of God, that's why when he was speaking, he spoke with authority.


So, God sent the angel, a specific angel, the angel Gabriel, to a city: When God wants to do His thing, He knows where the womb that is needed for that assignment is located. That's why whatever God is birthing on the earth, nothing is accidental about it. The womb that carries that assignment; God is intentional, the assignment that was carried in the womb; God is intentional, the place where the assignment will be birthed; God is intentional. We'll see it in this story: It said to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; the virgin's name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her; rejoice highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.


Every time God chooses us to birth something significant on the earth: what is the reaction that the angel said we should have? To rejoice. Number two, it is because you are highly favored; God does not use everybody. Bible says there are vessels of wrath and there are vessels of mercy. If God has chosen to use you as a vessel of mercy, the angel said what? Rejoice, because you are highly favored, there are some people they were born like that as vessels of wrath. The Lord is with you: God has decided to tabernacle with you, blessed are you among women. But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, (verse 30) do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.


Every time God chooses to use you to birth something on the earth, it is because you have found favor with God, not because you offended God: don’t ask the question God, why me? Why not you? Because you have found favor with God. And behold, see the first thing the angel said, did he say you are going to carry a pregnancy? He said, behold, you will conceive: conception. First thing: you will conceive in your womb, not in your kidney or your liver. You will conceive in your womb and bring forth (after a period) a Son and shall call His name Jesus, He will be great, He will be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father, David.


Please, I want us to go back to verse 27 of Luke chapter 1. God sent angel Gabriel to a virgin, betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David. So, when the angel was speaking in verse 32, he said, and God will give Him the throne of His father David. How! If God wants to give you Nigeria, you will not be born in USA. If God wants to link you to a greatness, to a prophecy, to the fulfillment of an agenda He has for Nigeria, you will not be in Kenyan. Mary was betrothed to Joseph; so, she was qualified by virtue of association or relationship or where she stands. There's a place you stand that makes you qualified for what God wants to do. There is a place you're standing that makes you qualified to be the appropriate vessel for what God wants to do.


So, you see, he said God will give Him the throne of His father David not just spiritually, but also physically. So, let's go to verse 33. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom, there will be no end. Then Mary said to the angel, how can this thing be since I do not know a man? How can these things be since I do not have what it takes to make it happen? How can these things be since I don't have the wherewithal to make it come to pass? There are things God is telling you, and you're saying, how can these things be possible God? I didn't even study English, in fact, I've never spoken to people like that in my life. I've never been to where they're even counting hundred thousand and You said I will control millions. God, I've never even seen before more than five zeros and You are talking about 14 zeros. How can these things be since I do not know a man?


Verse 35, and the angel answered and said to her, this is how it will happen. This is how the conception; the pregnancy and the birthing will take place. He said the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore as a result of this, that Holy One that is to be born will be called the Son of God. I want us to break verse 35 down; see the process. The Holy Spirit will come upon you, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; is He coming to give you goose pimples? Is He coming to make you feel good or make you taller? He said the Holy Spirit will come upon you; He will cause conception, what you carry in you from God, the Spirit will come upon your vessel and make it fertilized and the Holy Spirit will cause an implantation to take place in the womb of your spirit.


The Holy Spirit will come upon you, when He comes, He will fertilize what you carry from God originally; everyone was born with a purpose, with a distinct assignment, with a distinct purpose from God. What we carry as those purposes are called eggs; they have potentials, but nothing happens to them until they are fertilized. An average woman has millions of eggs, according to the age of the woman and as you grow older, the egg reduces. Now, those number of eggs does not cumulate into children, those number of eggs does not give you sons and daughters: they are potentials and that is how every human being is on the earth.


In the womb of your spirit, you are carrying a divine purpose, a divine assignment; they are just potentials, the possibility of what your life will look like or the possibility of what your future will look like: that in your future, you will have so and so number of achievements, of exploits; but they don't happen automatically, they don’t just fall on you, there must be a fertilization. What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon you is that there is a fertilization of the egg. What you carry is unique to you, it is your egg. It is when the Holy Spirit comes upon you that it becomes fertilized, and when it is fertilized, then it is implanted. So, that's what the angel said to Mary, he said the Holy Spirit will come upon you, there'll be conception, then he didn’t stop there, he said and not or. And the power of the Highest will overshadow you. In the Amplified, he said He will overshadow you like a cloud.


So, once that conception has taken place, the presence of God will be with you all through the period that you are carrying that pregnancy. There will be pregnancy, there will be a period where all that is happening is happening within you; nobody has seen it, nobody knows it. That's why the Bible says, the things that eyes have not seen, that ears have not heard, that has not yet entered into the hearts of men; God has prepared for those who love Him. Even though you are pregnant, eyes have not seen the child. Even though you are pregnant, ears have not heard the cry of the child; you're the only one feeling that there is kicking, that there's movements. I'm carrying something, eyes have not seen it; I'm carrying something, ears have not heard it; I'm carrying something, it has not yet entered into the hearts of men, they can't understand or comprehend it yet; why? You are only pregnant with it.


So, he said and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore, as a result of conception and pregnancy, there will be birth, there will be delivery. He said therefore, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. You will give birth to something according to your conception and pregnancy. What you will birth will be according to what has happened to you during your conception and your pregnancy. You know, some people have still birth; a child that was born dead. What happened? Conception was correct, something happened in the pregnancy. Some people have miscarriage, conception happened but something happened in the pregnancy. So, it's not enough for the Holy Spirit to come upon you: conception; there must be the power of the Highest that will overshadow you and this is where the issue is.


You see, many of us have gone through conception, but the reason why there's a lot of miscarriage and stillbirth is because we have not stayed under the shadow of the Highest. So, he said the power of the Highest will overshadow you, by reason of this there will be a birthing. So, in our lives, this is what takes place; for everything God wants to do in your life, these three phases must be completed, supervised by the Holy Spirit. There must be conception, there must be pregnancy and birthing.


I want to show us a Scripture in Isaiah chapter 55:8-11, see what God said, still talking about this process: “for My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My way, says the Lord…” Have you seen a pregnant couple that know that they are expecting a child and they have conversations like this: it is going to be a boy, no! it is going to be a girl; it is going to look like me, no! it is going to look like you. What are those things? They are thoughts? But usually, is their thoughts the thoughts of God? Are there ways the ways of God? No, he's going to be fair? No, he's going to be dark. In fact, if our thoughts were the thoughts of God, we should be giving birth to Chinese in Nigeria, we will just give birth to a child and the child will be fair; and we will have Chinese eyes, Chinese nose, or we'll look American, pointed nose and all that because we have great thoughts. In fact, some of us will give birth to Half cast because of our thoughts; We say, let the child not look Nigerian, so that anywhere the child will go to, the child will be accepted, this black color I think it is a limitation; those are thoughts. But God said, my thoughts are not your thoughts. So, what happens in your womb is not as you are thinking it, it is not the way you want it to happen that it will happen. He said,


“for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Verse 10, for as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not return there, but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, verse 11, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void…”  It will not return to me without a child, it will not return to me without a baby, it will not return to me without something to show for it, there must be a substance. but it is shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”.


So, when God has sent, so what happens here? So, shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth. Your life as gone forth from the mouth of God; God said, it shall not return to Me void, empty. They say God, I left Your presence with 1 million eggs, thank You for sending me with eggs, it was such a load, I brought it back to You; take Your 1 million eggs. No! God said, what I have sent you with will not return to me empty. That's when Jesus was speaking, He was speaking of this Scripture, when He was giving us the parable of the talents. When He said a master was going on a journey and he bestowed five talents on one of his servants, another two, and another one. And he went, the one that had five went to trade with it, meaning that what he had he dropped; he dropped what he had: that is, there was conception, there was pregnancy and he birthed; when the master came back, he said you gave me five talents, I went out and traded with it and see I have five more. What you gave me, five, birthed or delivered another five.


Master, you gave me two, the two you gave me, I conceived it, I received it, and I was pregnant with it, and it produced another two and the one that he gave one; he said master, I know you like to reap where you did not sow: so, you gave me one now, I'm the that will carry the pregnancy, and now give birth and now bring the child to you; how wicked are you? So, I did not stress myself, I dug the ground, buried it that when you come, I will just go and dig the ground again, bring it out and give it to you the way you gave me. That is how some lives are. See, you cannot carry the word that God has sent you forth with from His presence and return to Him empty. Empty means you are returning just the way you left. He said but you shall accomplish; how do you accomplish that which pleases God? By the Holy Spirit coming upon you.


No one knows the heart of God says the Spirit of God. How do you live a life that pleases God? By the Holy Spirit coming upon you. How do you make sure that you prosper in the thing which God has sent you? By the power of the Highest overshadowing you. This is how what God has intended is birthed on the earth, this is important. The second case study is the case study of the Apostles in Acts chapter 2:1-21, I am going to skip a lot of verses but we will read the relevant ones. “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.


What is the process here? Conception. They were all together in one place; there was a posture and suddenly there came upon them divided tongues as of fire. What did the fire come to do? To initiate a conception. The Holy Spirit came upon them as divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. You know why I love this, two people cannot be pregnant of the same pregnancy at the same time saying we're carrying the same pregnancy; it is our pregnancy when they are not a couple; even in the marriage we know who is carrying the pregnancy. So, what happens here? The Bible says and divided tongues as of fire sat on each of them; so, each one conceived something, it was not a joint conception.


So, what the Holy Spirit did was personal; personal conception. I cannot conceive what God has for you. That's why I feel for a lot of people that you know, live their life going on mountains; saying prophet fast for me, pray for me. In fact, what God wants to do in my life I don't know it, just see it for me, when you see it, fast the fast for me, pray for me and read the Bible for me. Is it the prophet that has the destiny? Is it the prophet that has the purpose? Pregnancy is personal. When conception takes place, it must happen to you not to the prophet. Have you seen where they transfer pregnancy and they say now that conception as taken place, we want to transfer this pregnancy from one body to another. Even scientist can’t transfer pregnancy, they can transfer egg, they can transfer sperm, they can force the implantation to happen; even with that, God has to approve it.


So, there is no transfer of pregnancy because there is no transfer of purpose. You can’t transfer your purpose to me and say, take, because you are my mentor and I respect you; use your anointing to carry my pregnancy. No! It can’t happen, you will be pregnant by yourself, you will carry it by yourself. The Bible says so each of them had fire: each. So, the conception was personal; they all had different experience. Next thing that happened to them, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit; the filing is the pregnancy. When conception takes place is insignificant but when pregnancy takes place, it starts shooting out; there is a feeling. There's a feeling that must happen to our lives after the Holy Spirit has come upon us.


The Holy Spirit must not come upon you and you are just dry and empty like that. No, there must be a feeling, you must be taken over; your womb must carry something and you must keep growing, you must keep developing until the time of birth; when the time of birth comes and God causes delivery, the product will be undeniable. And the Bible says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit; which is the pregnancy and there was birth. Verse four, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. What you receive is what you will release. If the Holy Spirit has not come upon you, you cannot release a different thing. Jesus was speaking in John chapter 3:5-8, When he was speaking to Nicodemus, He said, whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. Meaning the conception happened in the spiritual, the pregnancy is spiritual, the birthing is spiritual.


You cannot be pregnant in the flesh and birth a spiritual child. You can't conceive in the flesh and have a spiritual pregnancy and now have a spiritual birthing. It is what you receive, that you will release. Mary, the Holy Spirit came upon her and she gave birth to a child. And the Bible says, and the Child shall be called not because God just feel like calling things anyhow, it is because of the process, the Child shall be called the Son of God, because it was God that initiated the conception, the pregnancy, and the birthing. So, when we deliver on the earth, and it is named, this is a revival. This is a fire revival from the presence of God, it is because God had conceived that fire, God had made a man or woman to carry that fire and birth that fire; when you see what is birthed, it will resemble what was conceived. So, our lives look like where our lives have been conceived. The Bible says we were born not of a corruptible seed, but an incorruptible seed, which is the Word of God.


So, when we show up, we are not showing up as corruptible, but we are showing in the form of the incorruptible according to the Word of God; when we receive a life in Christ, it is not a life that will fade away, because Christ does not fade away; it is a life that will remain till eternity, because Christ remains till eternity. So whatever body the seed carries, that is what the tree will become. What fills you is what will prompt you. And the Bible says, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak, as the Spirit gave them utterance. If you were not filled by the Spirit, your utterance will not be by the Spirit. If you are filled by a different spirit, you will not have the utterance of another spirit. That's why when Jesus was speaking to the disciples, when they wanted to call fire down, He said, you don't know the manner of Spirit that you are of.


That's why He was saying to Nicodemus, except a man is born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot have access to the kingdom. You can’t birth anything in the kingdom that way, you will be giving birth to bastards; they don't look like the Father, they don't look like the Son, they don't look like the Holy Spirit; so, who has the children? It keeps coming to my heart that it is impossible for sinners to go to heaven because they don't look like God. How can you be in a family, you don't look like the father, you don't look like the mother, how? If you look at the genealogy of Adam, Genesis chapter 5:1-3, “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam, in the day that God created him, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and bless them and called them mankind in the day they were created, and Adam lived one hundred and thirty years and begot a son in his own likeness not in the likeness of God but in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.


If we now go to look, Luke chapter 3:23-27, where reference was going to be made to Seth, he said, the son of Adam, and Adam, the Son of God. It is the person that fills you, that you will look like. And that's why the Bible says, in Galatians 5:22-23, “but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against these things there's no law. So, when you are born of the Spirit, these are the fruits, this is how your life will look like. These are the things that will come out of your life, because this is your filling. There is a conception that has taken place in your life that has given birth to a pregnancy, and because you were filled by that pregnancy, for the period that God has filled you, you will give birth, you will birth something on the earth that will look like God.


So, if we look at our lives today, and what is coming out of our lives, does not look like God; the question is, what is happening in the womb of my life? What type of conception is taking place? Who is coming upon me? You know, when the Bible says the Holy Spirit will come upon Mary, it talks about fellowship, it talks about interaction, because it is in fellowship and interaction that there is conception. Conception does not just happen, you're not just walking on the street and there's conception, there is intimacy that brings forth conception. Who am I intimate with? Who am I fellowshipping with that is leading to my conception? Or what am I fellowshipping with? Everything we see in our lives, is a result of what has happened in the womb; nothing just suddenly happen, it was conceived, incubated in pregnancy and delivered.


I believe it is a good time to pray that the Holy Spirit should come upon you so that you don’t birth on earth things that don’t have semblance with God!


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