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Your Choice, Your Consequence: Living In Dominion vs Living In Denial

We live in the world, but we are not of the world was the word of Christ to His disciples. The world is ruled by the prince of darkness; where he subjugate his victims (subjects) by their own ignorance. The devil has no real power, but the ignorance of his subjects is his power.

However, for everyone that is not of this world; such people are citizens of heaven, who are not subjects of the devil. Hence, they are expected by divine arrangement to rule on the earth under the authority and power of Christ. Dominion is real; but ignorance of the reality of dominion for every man and woman can make any man or woman to suffer for nothing. Suffering is not the problem, but you must know what you are suffering for: For why should you suffer for nothing?

According to the book of Genesis chapter one, we know that God created and made the earth, and filled it with everything that is meant for the efficiency and effectiveness of man. In the same chapter, we discover that man was created and made by God to rule the earth under the authority of God. Therefore, any man that lives less than the dominion agenda of God for man is making a choice of denial of the truth. Jesus said, you shall know truth, and the truth shall set you free. The question is, free from what? You will be free from everything that the devil uses to limit men and women on the earth. You will be free from the bondage of the devil, which keeps people across the nations of the earth in complete ignorance of God's perfect will for man.

I have discovered that every man can choose to be rich or be poor; every man can choose to be strong or be weak; every man can choose to be wise or be foolish; every man can choose to be honoured or be dishonoured; every man can choose to be blessed or cursed; every man can choose to be glorified or be shamed; and every man can choose to be powerful or powerless. In short, your experience in life is according to your expectation. And every man's expectation is a product of his knowledge. And until you know, you cannot be free from the consequence of ignorance.

The devil make men to live in denial of the truth and thus, keep them subjugated in shame, poverty, dishonour, curse, weakness, powerlessness, and foolishness. Do you know the inheritance of the saints in Christ Jesus? Until you know them, you cannot live in dominion, you will only live in denial!



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