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Kingdom Curriculum:: The Word of Righteousness

Hello wonderful people. We will be starting a series called The Kingdom Curriculum, and in this piece, I will be introducing to us what we are to expect in this series. First, let me introduce us to the six expressions or what we could call the six content that makes up the curriculum of the kingdom. But let us start by defining what kingdom curriculum means. We are familiar with the word ‘curriculum’; we have all gone through one curriculum or the other, but this one is so important and vital to our lives because it is about the kingdom we born into in Christ Jesus and the kingdom that we represent.

Now there is a curriculum of the kingdom. When we talk about curriculum; Let’s do a refresher, what is curriculum? Curriculum talks about a body of knowledge. So, when we are talking about kingdom curriculum we are talking about a body of knowledge in the kingdom. So, for this study, this is the definition we are going to use as a walking definition. Kingdom curriculum refers to an interactive system of instruction. “It is an interactive system.” Those words are very important I don’t want you to miss out on any of them. It said kingdom curriculum refers to an interactive system of instruction and learning with specific goals, content, strategies, measurement and resources.

I am going to go over it again; kingdom curriculum is an interactive system of the kingdom which contains instruction and learning with specific goals. There is something this curriculum, this interactive system of learning and instruction is to achieve. It is not just haphazard, it’s not a curriculum that you encounter and there is no specific goal that it’s trying to achieve in your life. So, there is a specific goal to it. They are content, strategies, measurements and resources. So, kingdom curriculum is an interactive system. Let’s start from there, it’s not a stand-alone system, it’s an interactive system. So, when you engage in kingdom curriculum, it is interactive.

So, it’s not that in the kingdom, you are a student of the curriculum, and you just sit down and the curriculum is dumped on you like what happens in many institutions of learning. They will tell you this is the scheme of work. And they will list week 1, 2, 3, and 4. It’s not interactive, its teacher centered, it’s not student centered. But the kingdom curriculum is student and teacher Centered. So, its interactive, you are allowed to learn at your pace. You are allowed to interact with the content, with the strategies, with the measurement and resources available in the curriculum. So, it’s an interactive system. We looked at kingdom system last month and we saw how the system works. So, it’s not a standalone thing, it involves a system. And we will see that there is a strong interaction between the kingdom system we looked at and kingdom curriculum. Its interwoven. We are going to be looking at what all of these means in the cause of this month.  So, it refers to an interactive system of instruction and learning. So, there is instruction and learning. 

So, the kingdom curriculum is not just instruction, it’s not just somebody dumping curriculum on you, it’s about a learning, a learning that must take place through an interaction. And it has specific goals and it has content, strategies, measurement and instructions. And we are going to be looking at six of these contents, they are also strategies, they are also measurement and they are also resources available in the curriculum. Number one in the kingdom curriculum, we will be looking at the word of righteousness. Because the curriculum of the kingdom is derived from the King who is our God and our Father. Everything He has spoken, and inspired   people to write, they are what forms the curriculum; the words of the king from the curriculum.  So, these words are broken down under the curriculum into six. Number one is the word of righteousness.

We are going to understand what that means, what is the goal of the word of righteousness? What is the content of the word of righteousness? What is the strategy in it for us? And what is the measurement and resources inherent in that word? Number two: the word of faith. I am sure many of us have come across these words as we study in the Bible, but the Holy Spirit wants to take us deeper in it as He leads us in this teaching. Number three: the word of His grace. Number four: the word of life. Number five: the word of truth. Number six: the word of His power. These are the six that the Holy Spirit will be taking us through I believe He is going to give us speed to be able to look at all these in the course of the month.

We are going to start by looking at 1 Peter 1 and we are starting with the word of righteousness. 1 Peter 1:23, we will start our observation from there just for us to have a little bit of background about the word. 1 Peter 1:23. Having been born again, not of [k]corruptible seed but incorruptible.” You remember the encounter that Nicodemus had with Jesus when He came in the night and said to the rabbi, He said rabbi! These things you do we know no one can do it except God is with such a one. And Jesus said to him except a man is born again; born of the water and of the Spirit the person cannot enter the kingdom. So, the Bible says having been born again, the reason why you can step into kingdom curriculum is because you are born again. Kingdom curriculum is not for unbelievers; it is introduced at the point where you are born again.

So, until you gain admission to a school you don’t partake of the courses in the school. The same way in the kingdom, until you are admitted by the blood of Jesus, until you are admitted by the gift of the cross in Christ Jesus, you cannot partake of the kingdom curriculum. So, all the strategies, all the content, all the measurements and resources in that curriculum cannot become possible accessible for you except you are born again-you have been admitted. So, you must first be admitted, you must have the status of being a student, of being a child of God for you to have access to the kingdom curriculum. So, it says; “haven been born again” that’s the precondition, that’s what qualifies you- haven been born again. “Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but [l]incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever”

The word of God lives and abides forever. So, the curriculum of God does not go into extinction, all these six that we will be going through, all these content, all these strategies are eternal in nature. They don’t fade out; they don’t become obsolete. They continue to exist and continue to produce. That’s why the Bible says you are born of an incorruptible seed. And that incorruptible seed is the word, it’s the curriculum. The word of God is the curriculum of the kingdom. All the six we listed are the words of God. It’s just for the sake of understanding and for the sake of experiential development, we need to understand them individually and what they do for us. So, the word of God is the curriculum, the word is incorruptible.

Nobody can temper with it. Time does not make it expire, it continues to produce the same result. So, you are born of an incorruptible seed of the word of God which lives and abides forever. Hebrews 4:12. For the word of God is living [it’s not dead]; so this is an active curriculum. It’s not passive, its active, its alive. For the word of God is living and powerful, [this is a powerful curriculum, this is a curriculum you can afford not to go through.] Its powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. So, whatever the thoughts and the intent of your heart is; this curriculum is such that it is able to divide. So, we are talking about a curriculum that is potent. We are talking about a curriculum that will not just give you knowledge, but will transit you to the place of understanding and wisdom. Where it affects your entire being. It said it divides piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit. That’s how powerful and sharp it is. Of the joints and marrow to the extent that it is able to discern your thoughts and intents. That’s the curriculum.

So, when we talk about the curriculum being an interactive system of instruction. What it does is that there is a specific goal, the word is coming to discern your thoughts and intents, its coming to check you out, its coming to examine you. So, you will see that there is measurement in it. So, you don’t need to actually go to a class like the words system and sit down and you are given an answer sheet and question paper to be able to test whether the curriculum has actually gone through you. Every day in your life this word will test you. The measurement is part of the curriculum. As you are going through the curriculum the measurement is part of the interactive system. That’s why its interactive. You are not left alone, and its student specific. The instructor, the person that actually administrates the curriculum is the person of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why the Bible says He is the teacher, He will teach you and lead you into all truths. He will take you through this curriculum.  He will take you from one phase to the other and He is not going to call a general assembly to take you through. It is student centered, it is student specific. So, as you are staying in your room or in your house, or you are walking on the road, you are going through this curriculum. It’s not tied to any four walls, it’s when you are in the bathroom, when you are in your room, when you are in the kitchen, when you are moving around, this curriculum you are going through. So, it’s not when you come for fellowship that the curriculum can be admitted. It’s not when you are in a gathering of believers that’s when the curriculum is active. This curriculum is active as soon as you are born again.

So, the word of God is quick, alive, powerful, potent and sharper than any two edged swords, very effective. And this is the curriculum that makes for our dominion.  So, we are going to start today and I believe we would be able to look at the word of righteousness. We will start with the word of righteousness. I want us to see Hebrews 5:13, “For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. Did the Bible say he is not born again? He is a babe. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness; meaning that the word of righteousness is not milk. Because the Bible says that everyone who partakes “only” meaning that milk is not bad, but it can’t be only.

If you drink milk you will have some nutrients, but you can’t drink only milk. That person the Bible says is unskilled, the person has not gone through the curriculum, the content of the word of righteousness. Because it said for everyone who partakes; so, you partake. How do you partake? You feed on- you feed on the word of God. In this Scripture if you read it down, you will see that Apostle Paul was talking about solid food. Partaking of solid food. Meaning that the word of God is what we feed on. We looked at that in the kingdom system, when we looked at faith the mode of nutrition. That’s what we feed on, we feed on the word. So, when you partake of the word you are actually feeding on the word. So, if you are feeding only in milk, the Bible says you are unskilled in the word of righteousness. So, what is the word of righteousness?

I want to read that Hebrew 5:13 in the Passion Translation. For every spiritual infant who lives on milk is not yet pierced [do we remember where we read in Hebrews 4:12? That the word would pierce through the division]. It said for every spiritual infant, for anyone that is not skilled in the word of righteousness is a spiritual infant. So, this curriculum, we are supposed to grow with it. Anyone that is a spiritual infant will live on milk only. Because the person is not yet pierced by the revelation of righteousness. So, you must understand that the word of righteousness is the revelation of righteousness. The revelation of righteousness is the first school. In the higher institution we have school of engineering, you can also call it faculty. So, there is faculty of arts and humanities and all that.

In school you are only allowed to go to one, in the kingdom you go through all. The Holy Spirit allows you to go through all and you are able to go through all. It builds in you the inherent capacity to go through all. So, you are doing engineering, you are doing arts and sciences, you are doing everything. So, what is the revelation of righteousness? 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “All Scripture [all the curriculum], is given by inspiration of God, [everything in the curriculum is given by the inspiration of God], and is profitable [it is not unprofitable, it is profitable, it is beneficial, it is to your advantage that you go through the kingdom curriculum, it is to your benefit that you go through it]. It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for [c]instruction in righteousness, [that instruction in righteousness is the revelation of righteousness, it is the word of righteousness, instruction in righteousness, to what end?] 17 That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

So, Apostle Paul was saying to us in Hebrews 4 that, that spiritual infant that feeds only on milk is unskilled, when you are unskilled, you are not complete. You have not been thoroughly furnished, you have not been thoroughly equipped. To be skilled is to be equipped. So, if you are unskilled you are ill-equipped. So, the word of righteousness, the revelation of righteousness, the instruction of righteousness equips you as a believer. Because Apostle Paul was saying there in that Hebrews 5:13 that, that person is unskilled in the word of righteousness. Why is it the word of righteousness? Romans 6:15 to 16 says: What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! 16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

So, righteousness is a specific goal in the kingdom. It says whether of sin leading to death. And we said the word of God is quick and alive, there is no death in it. So, when you become skilled in the words of righteousness you are obedient to the instruction of righteousness. The revelation of righteousness opens up to you. What is righteousness? The Bible says we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Is it our own righteousness? No! it is the righteousness of faith. Because we believe that Jesus has taken our place. He has died and suffered for us. In the evening Bible School yesterday, we were exposed to the sufferings of Christ and the glory. The glory is that our obedience to the truth, to the revelation of righteousness. Because when righteousness is revealed, Christ is revealed. Righteousness is revealed in Christ.

When you come to God, you are not coming as your own righteousness, it’s the righteousness of Christ. And what makes you qualify for that righteousness? It is because you have had faith in Christ. So, we put on the righteous of Christ. It’s like a robe that we put on. We don’t put it on in pride or in entitlement, we put it on in humility. That’s what Apostle Paul said that I may know Him, the fellowship of His suffering being conformed to His death.  That’s how we put on Christ. In humility of heart, in faith. So, the Bible says that our obedience will lead us to righteousness. So, what do we obey? We obey the word of righteousness, we partake of the word of righteousness, we feed on the word of righteousness. The word of righteousness is revealed by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that no one says that Jesus is accursed by the Holy Spirit, and no one says Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. So, the Holy Spirit is the one that reveals the righteousness of Christ to us.

So, we are able to step into and be a partaker and become skilled in the word of righteousness. Why? The revelation of righteousness has opened up to us by the Holy Spirit. So, we want to look at the Spirit of righteousness under that word of righteousness.  The word of righteousness is powered by the Spirit of righteousness. And what does the Spirit of righteousness do for us? Romans 14:17-18. For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” So, in righteousness is the Spirit of righteousness. The kingdom of God is not in eating and drinking, so you see there is a need for us to partake of the word of righteousness. Because the kingdom of God is about righteousness. So, for you to key into the kingdom, you must be skilled in the word of righteousness. Verse 18; “For he who serves Christ in these things? He who serve Christ in which things? In righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, is acceptable to God and approved by men.”

So, when we partake of the kingdom curriculum of the word of righteousness, we become acceptable to God and approved by men. What makes us approved by men? One who serves Christ in these things. How are you serving Christ? Are you serving Christ in your own righteousness? Are you serving Christ on your own, or you are a partaker of the word of righteousness, you are a partaker of the revelation, of the instruction of righteousness. So, we saw from there that the Holy Spirit actually reveals this to us.

Isaiah 61:3. We are looking at the Spirit of righteousness. Because when the Holy Spirit comes on board as the Spirit of righteousness, understand that the words of righteousness are powered by the Spirit of righteousness. We must not forget it. We cannot encounter the revelation of righteousness outside the Spirit of righteousness. We cannot encounter the light of righteousness outside the Spirit of righteousness. So, the Bible says to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness.

So, when we become skilled in the word of righteousness, powered by the Holy Spirit, serving Christ in these things, we will become trees of righteousness. That’s the specific goal of the curriculum. So, when you enroll into the kingdom curriculum as a student and you take this course and you take this program, the word of righteousness and become skilled. The end of it is not that you are going through it to become unskilled, you are going through to become skilled, that the man of God can become complete, thoroughly equipped. So, you don’t go half-heartedly, you go into it and you get it. The beauty of this curriculum is in actually getting it. there is a goal, and the goal is so that you and I can become trees of righteousness.

That’s the assignment of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said I am not going to leave you as orphans, I am not going to leave you without a tutor, I will not leave without an instructor, the Holy Spirit is coming, and He will teach and lead you in all truth, and He will take of what is mine; what are His? Righteousness!  Is righteousness of us? No its of Christ. He said He will take of what is mine and do what? Share it with you. We always think about mundane things when we talk about taking of what is Christ and sharing it with us. It’s about this life, He shares righteousness with us. The righteousness is of Christ; He shares it with us making us trees of righteousness.

Psalm 1:1-3. Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.3 He shall be like a tree; when you meditate on the word of righteousness, when you delight in the law of righteousness, it said he shall be like a tree, we know who we will become; a tree of righteousness. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. This is the specific goal, it’s about you and I becoming trees of righteousness. We go through the program of the word of righteousness in the kingdom curriculum to become trees of righteousness. Who makes it possible? The Spirit of righteousness.

Philippians 1:11. When we become trees we must produce fruits. “being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ; Did you see your name there? When the Holy Spirit is revealing righteousness to us, He will never reveal you He will reveal Christ. Being filled with the fruit of righteousness; why are we being filled with the fruits of righteousness? Because we have become trees of righteousness. Fruits cannot appear on their own they are tied to trees. You become a tree to be filled with the fruit of righteousness. Being filled; that’s the goal of this curriculum. The strategy is that the Holy Spirit shares what is Christ-righteousness with you making you a tree of righteousness. Haven seen and experienced and partaken of the revelation and instruction of righteousness. Then you are filled with the fruits of righteousness which are in Christ Jesus to the glory and praise of God.” So, the curriculum is about the king.

What’s the assignment of the Holy Spirit? To bring you and I to a place where we can say; “all I want is for you……for you to be glorified……for you to be lifted high……” That’s what I want, He wants to bring us to that point where all our desires, just like Christ: because the Bible says looking unto Jesus the author of our righteousness, the finisher of our righteousness. And if we look unto Him we will be like Him. And when we become like Him who would we become? A picture of Him, if He is righteousness, we will become trees of righteousness, filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Christ Jesus. This is how we get it; this is how we produce our life by Christ Jesus to the glory of God. 2 Timothy 4:8, To what end, what is the goal, when you become skilled in the word of righteousness?

Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, Apostle Paul said after all is said and done, after I have become a tree of righteousness on the earth, filled with the fruit of righteousness by Christ Jesus, he said finally, there is laid up for me the crown, the reward of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. Not His appearance, who have loved His appearing. Every time Jesus appears as the righteousness of God, you love it. That’s why this curriculum is not just for a season of our lives, this is a perpetual curriculum. Kingdom curriculum does not expire, it does not go out of content, it cannot be exhausted. That’s why Apostle Paul said this crown will not only be given to me, but to all who love His appearing.

So, every time He appears you love it, you acknowledge it, you are enthralled by it, you are inspired by it, you live by it. So, it’s for everyone that loves His appearing will get a crown of righteousness. It’s a reward, not just that we will become trees of righteousness, filled with fruits of righteousness, we will also get a crown of righteousness. Do we love it? That’s beautiful because its available in God, as many that will submit themselves to this process. The Holy Spirit is not out of space, it’s not exhausted, His class is not full. Everyone that becomes born again becomes enrolled in the class of the Holy Spirit, and His class is never full. He has the capacity and ability to take on many students. So, as we go ahead and say I release to you spirit of righteousness, I release myself to this curriculum, Holy Spirit take me through the revelation of righteousness by Christ Jesus, I am willing for you to take righteousness which is of Christ and show it to me.

I want to become skilled in the word of righteousness. Its available so that we can become trees of righteousness. And what will that do to us? It will transform our soul. The word of righteousness would transform your soul. That’s why were we read in 2 Timothy, it said the instruction of righteousness is part of all Scripture is profitable, so that the man of God, the woman of God can become complete. The agenda of the Holy Spirit is to make you complete in Christ. You are not complete in yourself. All of us are not complete without Christ. Christ completes us, and how does He complete us? In righteousness. How are we complete in Him? I am complete in Christ in righteousness, we become complete in righteousness, and when we become complete, we are thoroughly equipped ready to move mountains. Our souls have been transformed. We are no longer relying on milk, we are partaking of the real deal.

Because anyone that partakes of Christ can never become the same. You can’t live your life partaking of Christ on a daily basis and your life will remain the same. He is the righteousness. So, when we are talking about the righteousness we are talking about the word of Christ, we are talking about Christ Himself, when righteousness is revealed, Christ is revealed. And when Christ becomes revealed in you, transformation happens to you. You will never be the same. Going through that program of the word of righteousness you will never be the same. Sometimes we think the word of righteousness is for unbelievers, no its for believers. None of these that we are speaking about in the course of the month is for unbelievers, it’s for believers, having being born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, the word of God. you must be born of the word of righteousness. The word of righteousness must permeate your being.

You don’t attend half of the class and you think you get it; you must be in all the classes. You must get everything. In Matthew 4, if Jesus had skipped class, he could have fallen short of any of the things the devil was reeling out. But He attended all the class of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sure this student will pass. When life throws things at us do you, do you second guess the fact that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus? Do you second guess the fact that you are incomplete? Or you know without any shadow of doubt that you are complete in Christ Jesus? The righteousness of Christ Jesus is the cloak upon you. Are you definite about this truth? Has the Spirit of righteousness brought this truth to you? Has it been revealed? Until righteousness is revealed, you can’t get it. It has to come by revelation. It is not about somebody said I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, has it been revealed? And when it is revealed, you will know that you have partaken of something eternal. Something that can never escape from you.  


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