Let's start from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. I trust that we'll be looking at a few Scriptures

The Liberty of the Spirit : Uncovering The 7 Dimensions of Liberty
In this article, we would be looking at the liberty of the Spirit, and we're going to take

Stewardship in the Kingdom: Being Strategically Positioned for Service and Influence
In this article, we're going to be looking at a very important concept in the kingdom, it is

The Consummation of Faith: Understanding the Dimensions of Faith Every Believer Must Come Into
In this piece, we will be sharing God's word together, and we will be looking at a very

Look Unto Jesus Pt. 2: How to Be Trained for Fruitfulness
In the first part of this piece, we began looking at something that we believe is important for

Looking Unto Jesus: Rediscovering the Father-Son Relationship Between God and Man for A Joyful Future
Some weeks ago, we look through the Kingdom Experience, from part one to part eight and I think

How to Find the Right Light for a Brighter Future: Discover God’s Treasure in You for a Better Future
For some weeks now, we looked through the Kingdom Experience. That it is not enough for us to

The Family of God: Understanding How to Fit into the Family of God
In this piece, we'll be looking at a very interesting topic that will help us appreciate and know

Kingdom Experience Pt. 8: The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
With this piece, we are going to be concluding the Kingdom Experience Series, and I want us to

The Measuring Line of the End-time: Understanding the End-time, our Posture and Position as Disciples
In this piece we'll be looking at a very sensitive topic, sensitive in the sense that it speaks