At various times and in various situations, many of us have been confronted with that all important question,
The Lord Jesus Christ: How Do We Respond To His Lordship?
By the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will be looking at another series. And in this series,
How Far Can Satan Go With Your Body?: Strategic Positioning In Spiritual Warfare for Victory
Today we are looking at something that is very important for every one of us. Whether the person
Jesus Christ: Your Life Lord
This evening, we will be examining Jesus: Your Life Lord! We are used to the term "landlord" but
Joy And Leadership: Understanding The Link
How to serve in 2020 is the series that we have been looking at and we started by
BEHOLDING The Glory of CHRIST With An UNVEILED FACE : Discover The Dangers of Seeking Glory At Any Means
For many people across the world, the thirst or crave for glory is a never ending venture or
The GRAVE Danger Hovering Over PAPERLESS (DIGITAL) Society: Sustaining Paper Writing and Publishing In A Digital Age
Quite a number of people across the world today believe we are in an INFORMATION AGE, a period
Does Your Ministry Flourish On The Blessings of The Lord God?:
Today we are looking at something very important. Last week, it was a question that was thrown at
On Becoming A Servant Leader Pt. 5: How To Transform Your Society In The Fear of God
We began, a few weeks ago, looking at On Becoming A Servant Leader. The Lord has been helping
Can Your Ministry Be Found In Christ Jesus?:
Today there is a question that the Holy spirit has brought our way, I believe it is a