Already, we have rediscovered the body of man, in terms of its meaning, purpose, power and weaknesses. And we have seen the inevitable role of

Rediscovering Man: Understanding the Spirit of Man
As we have received from the Lord concerning man; we have discussed extensively on the body and the soul

How To Secure Your Best Job Appointment: Presentation Vs Preparation
One thing that most people across culture forbid is idleness of any kind; we love to be involved

The Joy of Service: How God Solves The Problem of Leadership Suicide in His Kingdom
God created man to function in service. In fact, many marriage experts believe that "act of service" is

Your Purpose on Earth: How To Locate It
Nothingness, emptiness, meaninglessness, worthlessness and purposelessness are the exactly qualifying words for most people across societies in the

Life Coaching: The 3 Laws That Will Change Your Life In 72 Hours
Life is governed by the laws that were made for us or made by us – laws rule

The Guardian of Purpose: Find Him To Find Your Life Target
Purpose is an essential ingredient in the soup of life. You miss out on purpose, you miss out

When The King Is An Author: A Guide for Writers And Publishers
History they say, repeats itself; hence, there are chances that whatever was would be again, and what was